Chapter 10

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"Father Yoongi gave me a message for you guys." Yoobin announced once she found them all gathered in the computer room.

"Father Yoongi? How do you know of him?" Minji questioned.

"I went to the church and he was there." Yoobin didn't want to admit exactly how she'd spent her time with Yoongi. She held out the roll of paper. "Here."

Minji took it and unfurled it. "Should I read it out?"

"Go ahead." Handong said from the computer impatiently.

"'Finish work on all other assignments. You must all focus on gathering evidence against Daniel. It is extremely likely he murdered Lee Siyeon. Lee Yoobin may leave the house, but her face must not be seen or recognised. Lots of people will be looking for her. I suggest you try and obtain the footage of Yoobin attacking Daniel at the school It may or may not provide some clues. That is all for now. I will send you all money if needed to make up for the loss in assignments. Regards, Leader Mon.'"

"Huh." Handong said. "Great." She acted like the whole situation was a simple inconvenience for her. "Now I'm going to have to speed up on my ultra-interesting adultery case." She rolled her eyes.

Jin coughed. "Be respectful, Handong. Anyway, we had some success at the hospital." He looked pleased with himself.

"What did you find?" Jimin asked and took the offered memory stick from Jin.

"You wouldn't believe how easy it was to get in." He boasted. "Minji faked being sick beside the security office, they rushed out, I rushed in."

"I managed to get the two people from the security office to take me to the lift. By that time, Jin told me he had the footage.

"I almost missed it." Jin said as Jimin inserted the memory stick. "Someone had looped the CCTV footage, but they missed less than a millisecond of footage. Watch."

Jimin selected the file the file and a video popped up. It was of reasonable quality, but barely had she blinked than the video was over. "That's short." He commented and replayed the footage to gain a decent screenshot of the white-cloaked figure.

"It's only showing his back." Yoobin sighed.

"We can get his height from this and things like that." Jimin replied optimistically while I attempted to make the image clear by putting different filters over it.

"He seems to be about Daniel's height. The only other proof we have that he killed Siyeon in the hospital was that he told me he did it."

"Which leads to what our leader said - Obtain the school CCTV footage of Yoobin attacking Daniel." Minji said.

"Today?" Jin groaned. "We've already hacked one place."

"You heard the leader. We're to work full-time on this case so that we can get it solved as quick as possible."

Yoobin watched Handong, who looked completely uninterested in the conversation. "Hey. It's half-eleven. The school is closed. It's a perfect time to go, Jin." She smiled sarcastically. "I think you should take Yoobin with you guys too."

"But--" Minji protested, looking unhappy. "She might be seen on the CCTV."

"So will you if you're not careful." Handong retorted. "Fine. I was only messing with you. Be ready in five." She hung up.

"Okay. See you guys later." Minji hugged Yoobin briefly with a smile. They left the room.

Jimin looked up at Yoobin. "Looks like it's you and me again."

She smiled in return and sat down on the chair next to him.

A message popped up on the screen. Handong was calling, so he answered.

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