Chapter 13

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"Have you come here for confession?" Yoongi asked from the other side of the partition once she'd entered the confession room and closed the door.

"Not completely." Yoobin pulled out a plain envelope, which held the letter the five of them had composed and slipped it under the partition. "This is for Leader Mon."

"I see. Thank you. I shall pass it on." He said on the same emotionless tone. "Also, if I'm not the person in this room, I'd advise you leave the letter in a hidden slot under the desk."

Her hand searched the underside of the desk and found a small door that she slipped her hand inside. "Found it."

"Good. I'll pass the letter onto the Leader today. Come back tomorrow morning for the reply."

"I will." She rose and smiled. "Goodbye."

"Bye." He said in uninterested tone as she left to go to Daehwi's.

As soon as she was out of sight, Namjoon walked out from under a nearby tree and entered the church. He immediately approached Yoongi, who had just left the confession room.

"I have a letter for you, 'Leader Mon'." Yoongi handed over the envelope, which he'd already opened and read. "Come around into my private quarters." He led Namjoon into a cramped room containing a bed, desk and chest of draws.

Namjoon sat at the desk and slipped out the letter.

"Don't you think you should've come up with a better name for yourself? 'Leader Mon' leaves a lot to be desired." Yoongi smirked.

"Shut up." Namjoon waved for him to be silent as he carefully read and re-read the letter. " there was nothing useful from the CCTV. That's a shame, I was hoping to nail Daniel with that."

"Daniel's smarter than you take him to be, especially when Lee Jinki is helping him." Yoongi commented and leaned against the walk with his arms crossed. "It's impressive you're still working for Jinki with the amount of scandals you've had to help him cover up."

"I admit, I've been tempted to just end him, there and then. But if we get them to focus on Jinki, I'm sure that'll help get Daniel caught. But to be honest, my main objective isn't to help Yoobin get justice for her sister. All I want is to bring Jinki down."

"So you're using Yoobin and her emotions? That's cold, even for you."

"It'll all be worth it when Jinki is behind bars." Namjoon folded up the letter and slipped it into his inside breast pocket.

"What should I write for the reply?"

"Tell them to focus on Jinki and emphasise that it'll definitely help prosecute Daniel and get justice for each of them. Be as persuasive as you can." He stood and straightened his suit.

"Of course, Namjoon." Yoongi bowed and opened the door. "I'll see you soon."

Once Namjoon had left, he sat down to compose the reply letter.


Yoobin pulled her black baseball cap lower over her face and looked up at Daehwi's door. He wouldn't turn her in, would he? The rings in her cap jangled together as she made her way to the door and hesitantly knocked on the door. It was Daehwi's day off, so he was almost definitely home.

The door unlocked and opened to reveal Daehwi, dressed casually and wearing bunny slippers. "Hello?"

She looked up and allowed him to see her face. "Daehwi...can I come in?"

He opened and closed his mouth several times before he said anything. "Y-yeah." He stepped back and allowed her to go inside before he shut and locked the door.

Yoobin took off her cap and ran a hand through her hair. "Daehwi--"

"Fugitive, Yoobin!" He said in astoundment. "Fugitive! I've seen the CCTV of you attacking Daniel. All of the news sites love using the video to show you as a deranged woman. Even I was leaning towards the fact you were insane. What the fuck were you thinking?"

"Admittedly, I wasn't thinking." Yoobin said. "I was just so mad with him...but I don't want to talk about that."

Daehwi sighed in frustration. "If you're caught, even if Daniel is proved to have killed Siyeon, you're still going to be charged. You can't even claim it was self-defence! You've got yourself into a hot mess. And thinking about it, you'll be fired from the police, won't you?"

"I've accepted that, Daehwi." She assured him and inched closer to him, but he stepped away and walked into the living room. She followed behind. "But I shall only give myself up once Daniel has been declared guilty." She couldn't understand why he seemed angry with her. She was alive and well, and he liked her, didn't he?

"What if I were to call the police right now? I'm sure you'd get a shorter sentence." He seemed completely serious, and she was alarmed.

"Don't you dare." She said forcefully. "Please." She said in a softer tone and moved closer to him on the sofa. he didn't move away this time.

"I vacuumed your place yesterday." He said without looking at her.

She stayed silent, but crept her hand to on top of his.

"I've been so mad at you these past few days, Yoobin." Daehwi admitted and turned his body to face her, also taking her hand in his. "But I've missed you." He leaned into her and she leaned back slowly so that she was lying flat on her back with Daehwi over her.

"I've missed you too." She said.

"I love you." He confessed for the first time. "I realised that once you became a fugitive and the press started writing insulting articles about you. I couldn't bear you being degraded and knew I cared about you more than a concerned neighbour."

"Your feelings were obvious to me from the moment you kissed me." Yoobin wrapped her arms around his comforting back and pulled him closer. He made no move to resist as his body warmth heated hers and their lips met briefly before he moved to lie beside her. "Can you just lie with me?" She asked. It didn't feel like the right time to kiss.

He nodded and put his arms around her. "You can cry too, if you want."

"I'm empty." She admitted. "I've been consumed by my desire to get justice for Siyeon." She wanted to make herself sound braver to him, but he just smiled sadly.

"Don't let it consume you." He warned in a soft voice. "Remember your love for me, for Yoohyeon, for Siyeon."

"I will never let it. But let's lie together now." She closed her eyes and snuggled closer.


When Yoobin arrived back at the house, Jin immediately rushed up to her. "Where the heck were you? I couldn't find you on any of the CCTV cameras."

Her eyes flicked around his face nervously, he seemed almost terrified. "I was afraid you'd been arrested." He continued.

"I'm fine, Jin." She reassured him and squeezed his arm. "I just wanted to walk around."

He glared down into her eyes. "You're lying, but I assume you trust the person you went to see? It wasn't a police officer?"

"No, he isn't." She covered up her mouth as she revealed his gender.

"I see." Jin appeared to understand and scratched his neck. "Next time...just tell us. It's important that we don't keep secrets here so we can retain each others' trust."

"Of course. I was just worried that you wouldn't allow it." She apologised, but didn't mention that it was Minji who told her not to tell anyone. "Yoongi said to come back tomorrow morning for the reply."

"That's great." He turned and walked through the kitchen and back to a room opposite Jimin's..

Yoobin looked back on her brief time with Daehwi. She certainly didn't regret it.

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