Chapter 23

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"May we sit and talk?" Minji asked smoothly.

"But of course." The introduced Namjoon stepped further into the room and shut the door before he strode with long strides to his desk and sat down. He leaned back and put his feet on the desk. Minji sand Jin sat in the plastic chairs before him.

"Talk. Then we'll see if I should call security."

"You're our leader, Leader Mon." Minji stated in an accusatory tone. "Aren't you?"

He winced at the mention of 'Leader Mon' and seemed to contemplate for several seconds. "Yes, I am. What do you intend to do with that information?"

They both stared at him.

"You really are?" Minji asked again and blinked rapidly.

"I am." He confirmed with a nod and linked his fingers. "Answer my question, please."

"We want to know why're you're using us to prosecute Jinki and Daniel when you work for Jinki. Whose side are you really on?" Jin demanded.

Namjoon smiled, exposing his dimples. "Yours, of course." He didn't offer any more information.


He grimaced. "Lee Jinki is a severely corrupt prosecutor, and I want to bring him and the people's crimes who he helped cover up, down. Happy?"

"No, we're not. Why us? How come you're working for him?"

"You heard of the phrase about keeping your enemies closer than your friends? That's what I'm doing. Once I realised how corrupted Jinki was, I began my plan to bring him down. I worked my way closer to him and I succeeded. Now I am the closest person to him. He may not consider me his friend, but he trusts me. And as for recruiting you all, I just looked for people who seemed conspicuous."

Jin raised an eyebrow sceptically. "So you're working for the innocents who were all wronged?"

"Not exactly." He said with the same frozen grin. "But what matters is that this plan is in action."

He saw their faces and exhaled. "Look, when I first joined this company, I wanted to get to the top; I'm a shamelessly ambitious person. So when Jinki noticed my hard work and began to use me to help him, I was honoured, though I realised that was I was doing may be frowned upon."

"What changed?"

"Not sure." He looked away in thought. "I think it was at the point I realised I had enough money that if I left the company, I could live comfortably."

"Boredom then." Jin said coldly.

"Oh, shut it with your smart comments, Jin." Namjoon snapped irritably and took his feet off the desk. "Let's wrap up this meeting. I don't have much idea on what you should do to get Jinki into court, but once you do...I'll take over."

"Is there something you're not telling us?" Minji asked.

"Yes. There's plenty of things I have no intention of telling you. But once you get him into court, I can handle the rest and make sure he goes to prison." He stood and gestured to the door. "The exit is there, please leave now. I shall text you my phone number if you need me further. Don't worry, I know your numbers already."


"I've never met such a man in my life." Minji began while they walked across the pavement, slowly moving away from the building they'd visited.

"He's so stupidly egotistic!" Jin ranted. "'There's plenty of things I have no intention of telling you'" He mocked. "'I can handle the rest.'  Seriously, if he doesn't tell us everything he knows, this plan really is going to fail!"

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