Chapter 24

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"Yoobin!" Jimin rushed with a pale face into her room. "Can you get down the stairs without help?"

"Eventually." She replied and took stock of his face. "What's wrong?"

"Too slow. I'll carry you down." Without an explanation, he took her into his arms with a grunt and stumbled down the stairs.

"Care to explain?" She asked once he;d set her down on one of the kitchen chairs.

"Namjoon called. He said Daniel got people to follow Jin and Minji here. Jinki now knows where we are and we need to leave."

"Where are Jin and Minji?" 

"Disconnecting all the computers and packing them up." He furiously ran upstairs, still talking to her. "I'm collecting our stuff. You just stay there."

"Oh okay." She stuttered, admitting to herself that she wouldn't be much use if she could only walk around like a granny.

Daniel knew where they were. Jinki knew where they were. Both statements were horror-inducing and a variety of horrible situations ran through her head involving lots of bad things.

Several objects crashed to the floor overhead. Jin ran through the kitchen and out of the front door with a large cardboard box overflowing with computer screens and trailing black wires. He didn't spare a glance at Yoobin, who slouched uncomfortably in the chair.

When Jin came back, he looked at her. "Get in the car. It'll be better to wait there."

She nodded and bent over to stand up before inching her way towards the door, her hand over her bandages.

Minji dashed past with a box full of computers and disappeared out of the front door. Yoobin followed her out into the dim street and walked out to the car. At least four boxes were already packed into the large boot and it looked like at least two more big boxes could fit in. Just.

Minji opened the back passenger door for her and then disappeared back into the house.

Yoobin climbed in and slid along the seats to the far side and strapped herself in before she pulled her phone out and looked at her lock screen longingly. A happy Yoobin and Siyeon grinned back at her from a swimming pool.

Siyeon...That day still seemed completely unreal, as if it hadn't happened. But she knew it had and that thought saddened her.

After unlocking her phone, she stared at Yoohyeon's number longingly. She made up her mind to call her and her finger hovered over the icon.

"Heads-up, Yoobin!" Jimin slid in her backpack, his backpack, Jin's and Minji's across the seats. Jin and Minji had two backpacks each and half of them fell into the foot space. He slammed the door shut again. Two more boxes were slammed into the boot and the boot was shut.

"Have we got everything?" Jimin asked from outside.

"Our possessions, clothes, computers, cameras, food. Check." Minji replied.

"Do we need to get of our prints?" Jin asked.

"I did upstairs. In a rush."

"I'l coat downstairs in bleach." Jin said and Yoobin head him go back inside.

Jimin opened the car door and jumped into the seat furthest from Yoobin. He smiled flatly at her. "We're going to be fine." His voice fractured and he cleared his throat.

Yoobin nodded silently. Minji got into the driver's seat. A few minutes later, Jin entered the front passenger seat, smelling strongly of disinfectant.

"Let's go!" He yelled deafeningly and Minji started the engine smoothly to rev off.

"Where are we going?" Yoobin questioned curiously.

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