Chapter 19

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Morning attacked Yoobin's closed eyes and woke her from her motionless sleep on her front. Being no morning person, she groaned and stretched, before she winced in pain at the feeling in her back. It twinged painfully, but she managed to stand.

On the floor, she noticed the ibuprofen gel that Jin had put on the previous night. With a groan as she bent down, Yoobin picked it out of the medical kit and smeared it generously on her back where she could reach.

She made her way to the other bedroom to see if Jin was awake. When she opened the door, Yoobin was confronted by an unexpected scene that made her heart thump and her mouth dry up.

Woojin appeared to have managed to unlock his handcuffs and now held a handgun in his hands, pointed down at Jin. Jin still lay fast asleep with his mouth wide open and snored loudly.

"Jin!" She rushed forward despite the pain in her back and lunged at Woojin.

He turned, startled at her appearance and fired towards her. He missed.

Her hands grabbed for the gun and they wrestled for it. He pulled the trigger again and Jin howled in raw pain.

"Shit." Yoobin cursed aloud with a shaky voice and pressed forward until she'd slammed him against the wall. Woojin continued to pull the trigger and fire the whole magazine, the barrel was pointed at the ceiling.

The sound was bound to draw attention. The elderly may be old and partially deaf, but no one could ignore the multitude of bangs that had just come from the gun held partially by her.

"Get away from me! I just want out." Woojin cried desperately.

"Shouldn't have murdered an innocent then." She snarled and smacked him around the head with the gun. He crumbled instantly under the savage blow and lay unconscious on the floor.

Immediately, she turned her attention to Jin and dropped the gun. He clutched his side. "Are you okay?"

He removed his hand and looked down at his bloodied side. "Looks like it just scraped. Still hurts like heck though." He winced and stood unsteadily. "Someone will have heard the shots. How the hell did he get out his handcuffs?"

"He was given the key to his handcuffs when he escaped," She bent down slowly and picked up a shining key out from under some wall plaster and showed it to Jin. "You should've searched him, probably would've found the gun as well." Yoobin glanced back at Woojin.

"No use lamenting now, we need to leave!" He gritted his teeth and balled his shirt up onto his wound. "You're going to have to ride the motorbike, we can't leave it here. Help me to the car."

"Of course. But we need to make sure he's not going to move." She picked up the discarded handcuffs, delighting at the ease with which she moved, the gel was working., then cuffed Woojin to the radiator, making sure to pocket the key. She wiped the gun then kicked it to the other side of the room. Then she let Jin throw his arm around her shoulder.

With a curse, they stumbled back through the house outside to the car and motorbike.

"We go separate ways." Jin panted. "You go left, I'll go right."

"You can't fit the bike in the car boot?"

"Are you kidding? That'll never fit in!"

"Fine, fine." Yoobin straddled the bike and put more gel on her back before she chucked the bag to Jin. "The police are bound to chase me, the helmet won't disguise my face much."

They could both already hear sirens in the air.

"I realise that. But it's important that neither of us are arrested." He climbed into the car and rolled down the window. "I'll get Handong to call you through the motorbike helmet. I know she's got some program that'll change the traffic lights."

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