Chapter 17

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"Eh?" Jimin checked the list himself. "You're right!" He clicked around and found another list of items detailing what was in her school bag. There was no phone listed.

"Didn't the police realise?"

Jimin shrugged. "They may've done but not known how to follow up on the clue. Do you know what she kept on her phone?"

This time, Yoobin shrugged. "I couldn't say. Probably games, plenty of selfies, photos and texts." She shook her head helplessly. "There was one time where I caught her taking photos in my office, but she promised she'd delete the photos."

"Do you know what she took photos of?"

Yoobin thought back.


She had searched for Siyeon all over the flat - It wasn't even that big, but she'd failed to find her. It had occurred to her that she could've left the flat via the balcony safely, but then realised with a smile that was the last thing Siyeon could ever willingly do. She'd rather lie in bed in solitude than make an attempt to socialise with her friends.

Yoobin knew there was only one place Siyeon could be, which was her office and walked back to the closed door. Without knocking, she opened the door, causing Siyeon to start in surprise.

She clutched her heart and hid her phone, which she appeared to have been taking photos of Yoobin's documents with. "You surprised me!" She smiled nervously.

"You wouldn't have been so surprised had you not been doing something wrong." Yoobin smiled wryly and straightened her face. "What were you doing?"

"I'll delete the photos, I promise." Siyeon said quickly and ran a hand through her hair. "I was just seeing how long it would take for you go catch me. Police officers need tests, right?"

She narrowed her eyes in distaste. "Hm. You better keep that promise. Get out and don't let me catch you in here again." She waited until Siyeon had left the room before she locked the door and walked over to the pile of papers where she'd caught Siyeon and skimmed the text of the various papers.

The only thing Siyeon could've been taking a picture of was her police ID and password. There was noting else of noteworthy interest to a young adult with a phone.

If that girl dared to log into her account and access police files, she was dead meat...


"My police login." Yoobin put her head in her hands. "If she didn't delete those pictures..."

"Then Daniel has access to police files." He said it for her.

She cursed and messed up her hair in frustration. "That means he has access to pretty much all of the police files."

"Which means he can check his own cases." Jimin groaned.

"We can't do anything?" She pressed him urgently.

"Perhaps I could send an alert into the system to disable your account, but I'll need your permission."

"Can you access all the files I can with my account?" She double-checked.

"All of them. Do you want me to do it?"

"Yes." Yoobin replied in a firm voice.

Jimin clicked away and sent an alert email to the system administrator. Within minutes, he checked and found that Yoobin's account had been disabled. "There we go. Done." He leaned back in his chair and stretched.

Yoobin sighed in relief, but didn't know the damage that Daniel could've caused if he'd had access. She was sure that right then, Daniel had Siyeon's phone.

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