Chapter 25

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It was Jimin's job to keep an eye of Daniel, so he did it diligently and watched him for the whole time he was at school, switching expertly between the security cameras.

On screen, Daniel had just finished P.E. He and a short girl had been elected by the teacher to gather up all the balls and take them back inside.

He and the girl didn't communicate as they collected the stray balls around the court.

A small group of girls lingered in the mouth of the court and seemed to be talking about the girl gathering up the balls.

"Hey, Gahyeon!" One of them called brashly and kicked over the open box of balls, causing the balls inside to roll away at speed. "Looks like there's still some balls for you to pick up."

Laughing cruelly, the girls turned to walk away.

"Wait." Daniel looked up at them seriously and strode over, using every inch of his height to intimidate them. "Jiwoo, you took it too far there."

"Why couldn't I?" She grinned innocently. "If she hates it so much, why doesn't she get her police officer sister to come and tell us off?" Her eyes looked adoringly up at Daniel's delicate face. "Anyway, what do you care? She's not worth protecting."

He frowned, the delicate features turning rigid. "It doesn't matter if you don't like her. But it doesn't give you any reason to spitefully do things to her."

Behind Daniel, Gahyeon flushed darkly and avoided eye contact with the envious girls standing menacingly beside Jiwoo.

Daniel continued. "I'm warning you not to try and do anything like that again, Jiwoo. That goes for the rest of you girls." He eyed them suspiciously. "Gahyeon's my friend, and I won't have you doing anything that will humiliate her. You got that?"

Jiwoo blinked in almost comical disbelief. "You, you're friends with her? Wow, didn't see that one coming."

"Who would want to be friends with her?" Another girl muttered discreetly. "She's not even pretty."

Daniel flicked his glare to her. "Somin. Don't be like that. Can all of you leave now? We need to finish collecting the balls." He turned his back to them in a bold move and walked past Gahyeon with a satisfied smile.

Jiwoo opened and closed her mouth like a gaping fish.

"Are we leaving?" Somin whispered.

"We are." She clearly mustered her confidence. "To the changing room, girls." They left together with a defeated air.

Once they were out of sight, Gahyeon sneaked a glance at Daniel. He was looking at her. When their gazes met, he beamed and jogged over.

"Did you meant that?"

"Mean what? Being your friend?" The smile didn't waver.

"Yes." She mumbled and looked down.

"Hey, there's no need to be nervous in front of me. But yes, I did mean it. I know we haven't really talked much."

"At all." Gahyeon added.

"That's more accurate. Yes, we haven't talked at all, but I want to get to know you, Lee Gahyeon."

"M-me?" She stuttered and turned to gather a few balls to hid her blushing cheeks. "Somin was right, I'm not pretty. And I do tell my sister everything that happens at school, everything. And she sometimes rings in, then people get in trouble."

"So what? It's who you are. Don't care about them and whether you got them into trouble. I'm aware that it was your intention to piss them off and get them into trouble on purpose, right?"

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