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Ethan's POV

I sit here and listen to her talk. I can't even defend myself. I don't get a chance to explain anything but what's there to explain. Everything she is saying is the truth.

Her words are so ruthless and filled with so much anger and pain it hurts me deeply. I did this to her. I broke her.

Everything I ever did to try to protect her from me hurting her in the near future failed. I failed her.

She finished talking and leaves me here still confused of what just happened. I need to fix this.

I need to settle and stop messing around but the one person I love and want to be with is taken.

I'm going to be better for you Natalie. One day you will see I'm the one for you and I will be by your side till then but until that they I need to move on

I reflect a bit and decide to leave the coffee place.

I then get in my car and start to drive anywhere. I need to clear my head. I need time to let everything sink in.

Natalie's POV

I get back to the apartment and close the door. I rest my back on the door and slide down until I reach the floor. All the tears I had been holding in come rushing out.

I finally told him what I been meaning to say months ago. To be frank it hurts.

Saying it out loud was so much different from my head. Every word I said to him it felt like somebody was stabbing my heart with little knifes. I felt pain.

"Natalie it took you long enough" Elizabeth say from a distance "... OH MY GOD WHATS WRONG" She says as she sees me leaning against the door crying. Her words are filled with worry as she rushes over to where I was.

I stare into her eyes and see the concern in them. I just cry even more seeing her care so much for me. I'm so sensitive.

"Hey come here " she says softly embracing me into a tight hug.

"You're going to be okay. " she says rubbing my back comforting me.

I try to say something but fail since I start to start crying even more. What's wrong with me

"Let it all out and you can talk later"

I don't even now why it hurts me so much. I'm with Hunter now this is not suppose to hurt. But why does it?

After all this time it's like a wound open up again after it was already healing.

"Are you better now?" Elizabeth says letting go.

"Yeah much better" I say sniffling and putting on my best fake smile.

"What happened " she's says looking directly at my eyes.

"I finally talked to him after all these months of avoiding him and it was like I let every emotion I had locked up and stored away free. It feels different. Relieved actually. I'm happy now and I moved on. Wow " I said smiling at her.

"Well next time you are going to cry to feel relieved tell me in advance I was worried."

"I will inform you next time" I say with a chuckle.

Ethan's POV

I place my key into the lock and enter my apartment. Its a bit late since I spent most of my time driving all around the city without a clue where I was going.

Everything finally sunk in. The feeling was terrible. It was if someone was holding my heart in their hands and slowly crushing it. I felt the pain. Every single ounce of it and it sucked.

I sit on the couch and stared at nothing.I just let all the sadness take over my body. I don't want to feel this way anymore.

"Hey Ethan" I hear Grayson in the background opening the fridge.

I stay silent still in shock of what went down today.

"Hey what's wrong" Grayson says now sitting beside me.

"She hates me" I say my voice cracking a bit.

"Who does" he say as he were clueless.

"Natalie hates me" I say and I feel like my heart was cracking.

"She doesn't hate you Ethan. She is just hurt and-" he says placing a hand on my shoulder for comfort.

I get up a bit angry and throw my hands in the air.



"Grayson she hates me. You should of seen her. Her eyes were darker than usual and her face expressions were bland.It was like she didn't even know who I was as if I were nobody.I broke her Grayson" I say with my eyes watering up.

"Ethan she loves you still and her being cold to you is normal after what happened between you two."

"She doesn't love me anymore. She loves somebody else. She moved on." I say looking down.

"And you should too" Grayson say as he stands up and pats my back.

"I know I should but I can't. I love her and being without her made me realize that I need her. It doesn't matter if its as my girlfriend or as a friend I need her. "

"Well may be you should start by not lying to yourself " he says looking up at me. "You're not okay and you need to accept that first."

Its true I'm not okay. I been lying to myself ever since the day I broke up with her. I need to feel okay so I did anything to make myself feel better but it failed. I just became an ass to everyone.

"I'm sorry Grayson"

"For what?"

"For everything. You never left me even though I was rude to you and you stood by me in my bad time."

"No problem. That's what a twin brother/ best friend is here for " he say with a chuckle opening his arms up.

I hug him and feel instantly a bit better. I have lots of things to do and change but it will all be worth it I just know it.

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