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Natalies POV

I can't believe I'm actually going to do this.

I take a deep breath in and walk over to the bench Ethan was sitting on.

"Hey" I say softly.

"Hey" he says with his low husky voice.

I take a seat next to him and look up to the sky.

"This isn't going to be easy to say"

"When are things easy for us" he says with a chuckle.

I slightly chuckle and turn facing him.

I intertwine our hands together and it feels like two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together.

I look right into his beautiful hazel eyes and take one last look at them. I study his face and take a mental picture hoping I will never forget it. It takes so much power within in me to not start crying right now.

"Ethan I know things haven't been the best right now but I just needed to say this...." I take a deep breath and finally say it.

" I love you"

His eyes widen and I know he is just as surprised as I am. I didn't think I was going to say that.

"I never stoped and honestly I think I will never stop loving you Ethan but right now I'm with someone else and you need to accept that."

"We both know we need to let go and move on. To have closure." I say gently squeezing his hand. At this point a few tears are falling out. I'm so weak.

"I know that one day faith, or destiny or  something will bring us together and if you still haven't found someone that makes you happy. I promise to give us a chance. Until that day."

I look up to meet his eyes and I can't believe I'm actually do this.

"I have to let you go" I say tearing up more than before.

Ethans POV

Its so hard seeing her say that to me. One she told me she loved me.


Yet we can't be together for the stupidest reasons ever but I have to let her go.

"How am I suppose to beat that" we both chuckle slightly and I look up at her.

Capturing that one last glimpse of her before its to late. Before I lose her.

Her hazel eyes that have that spark to them that is clouded right now. I'm going to miss everything about her.

"Natalie, I always loved you and even though this hard for me I know its the right thing to do. "

"And I also know that one day faith or destiny or something will bring us together and when that day comes and you still haven't found someone that loves you and that deserve you.  I promise I will marry you and love you for as long as I live. "

"But right now I have to let you go" I breath out and notice her sobbing.

I embrace her in my arms and she cries in my arms. I hate this so much .

She calms down a bit and sniffles.

"I need to go" she says releasing me.

I just nod and see her get up and walk away.

I guess sometimes you have to let go and hope that one day you will find each other again.

Natalies POV

I leave Ethan feeling some what relieved. I finally did something I couldn't do before. Let him go.

It feels so weird. Letting go of someone you loved for so long. Your just left with that but of hope that you will see them again one day.

This is going to be harder than I thought.I need comfort food.

I drive to my favorite little restaurant and can't wait to get some food.

I walk in smiling at the fact I'm getting food then my face drops as I walk in.

I didn't believe him and now I'm left with this.

I walk out the door quickly and hear the bell ring indicating the door of the restaurant closed. I rush back to my car and hear footsteps behind me.

"Natalie wait" is all I hear.

I open my car door and lock it. I turn on my car and begin to drive. I need to get out of here as fast as I can. Anywhere.

Third Person

Natalie was expecting to get some comfort food from her favorite restaurant but instead found something much worse.

As she entered the place with a smileon her face  the first thing she saw wasn't what she wanted to see.

In front of her stood Hunter, her current boyfriend, kissing Emily, his best friend or side chick.

Natalies face dropped quickly  and she immediately left not wanting to presence what she had been warned about before.

Hunter didn't notice her until the bell rang indicating someone had left the place. He noticed from the large Windows Natalie walking away.

He had been caught.

He ran after her but she was already in her car driving away.

Driving away from everything.


The story is almost over OMG 😭

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