{We shoot, We score .01}

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Kim Taehyung , will you please marry me? like god this is why I can't have crushes because my standards are way too high😻🤧💜

check out that video above and watch your ovaries explode. Woohoo

+shoutout to Taekookisparadise and rinchaaann for the comments they give on my chapters, tysm💙

[Hoseok's Perspective]

"Hey Namjoon-ssi, we have been parked in this stanky ass parking lot for a good 22 minutes, when can we go in you dick wad?" I ask Namjoon annoyed. Currently we were in a paved parking spot of an abandoned building that had around 14 floors and windows smashed opened and doors covered in graffiti. All of us were basically groaning because we wanted to kick some British ass, not wait here in this grey Mercedes van.

"Not all of those white boys are here yet calm yourself." Namjoon growled. And I smile sheepishly and ruffle his hair while he shoves my hand away then flips me off. All the members then begin to chuckle.

"Wait hyung, won't they come in through this entrance though? I know taehyung hacked all cameras so they can't see us but can't they just take this route to their ugly ass meet up spot?" Jimin questioned.

"No, I have known about this mission for awhile now and for 8 days I have watched them and they never take this entrance. If they do by any chance, we just kill them here, but trust me they won't. Also, guys remember when we go in we must be discrete and tae your in charge of finding their USB drive and data base of their gang statistics, future plans, partners, and where all the money they stole has gone. Yoongi, you should go with him because you already scoped the whole area by walking its perimeter and you know your way around the best like usual." Namjoonie responded.

We all nodded fully understanding. While those two work on finding the information and USB drive, jimin, Jungkook, and Namjoon are going in to finish our targets. At training a while back we realized that Jungkook is actually our highest ranked combat fighter now surpassing all of us so he is leading the group. Jimin is going to be shooting like he always does with his precise as fuck aim, and Namjoon who is also an adequate fighter is equipped with an electric taser. Lastly me and Jin hyung are staying outside. I, so when everyone comes back in a panic can drive us off out of there the quickest. And also Jin hyung and I are here to fight off the dumbasses who come from the outside.  But mid way through if things start to go weary, I'm tasked to go in and have a little fun with my favourite explosives.

Like in every gang, there are the main members (in One directions case Harry, Liam, Nial, Louis, and Zayn) *yes guys, in this zayn is still part of their group, whoops*  and then bullshit extras. Although since these guys are not from Korea, we have been informed by our partnered gang that a good 60 others are joined with one direction and a part of their group. It's funny, bangtan is the only group without these useless extra members because we can handle most with just us top 7.

A loud beeping is sounded from Taehyung's computer signalling that all the one direction members have reached their pod. We all smile and get out of the van. Tae throws us each ear pieces he designed and we shove it in our right ears and push the small black button making it glow white signalling that it was on. Next we all go on the tracking apps we have on our phones which tells us where all our members are when fighting and if some moron from another gang is sneaking up and attacking us, basically shows us the playing field and senses all the existing other bodies.

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