Sandwich high....

395 11 31

The song has nothing to do with the chapter...I just like it...

(Lol,I'm bad at names)
Woah! It's the actual chapter!...Prepare your eyes.It is bad...

You have been warned...


Nobody's POV:
It was an average day in the sandwich core... It was a Monday morning, and the first day of school for our fellow students at sandwich high.

Birds were singing,flowers were blooming.
On perfect days like these,young people like them would-
"Shut up!!!!!!", a smol,paint splattered skeleton yelled.
"No,it's the first day of school and it's 5:45! So I'm gonna keep on making bird calls until you get your butt moving!", a blue dressed skeleton replied and proceeded to ca-caw his brother out of bed.
"Uuuuuggggghhhhh!!!!!Fine!"he said.He got out of bed and quickly showered.He put on their school's uniform and went downstairs to eat with his brothers.They all sat in silence while eating some pancakes. There were three brothers.

The shortest one was named Ink and he had an ink stain on his cheek and constantly changing eyes.He loved to paint and draw, he was also very cheery. But he was the more leader like one of the squad. He was the mom of the squad.

The second one was named Blue and he wore a blue bandanna around his neck. He was the sinful innocent one of the three. Meaning that everyone THINKS he's innocent,but he's actually a sinful shipping lemon writer-

The tallest one is named Dream and he wears a golden swirly crown thing.He's the positive one and in reality, is most innocent of the three.

Blue checked his watch and screamed,"WE'RE GONNA BE LATE! SHOOT!". They all jumped up from their seats at the same time and ran out the door.They ran as fast as they could to the gigantic school, they would have stopped and admired it.But right now, ain't nobody got time for that! They all split up,following their maps to their homerooms as fast as they can.

Ink's POV:
Ink mentally cursed himself for being late,thinking of all the other things that could go wrong...He was pretty fast.He thought that he might actually make it!......

Then he bumped into someone...
"Sweet cheese sticks!" Ink yelled as he fell to the floor. "Hey! Watch it next time,Okay?" The other monster said and offered a hand.Ink looked up and saw a glitchy skeleton with error signs floating around him.Ink hesitantly took his hand and stood up. He introduced himself,"Hello, I'm sorry for bumping into you. I'm Ink! Who are you?". Error stared for a few seconds (*wink* *wink* *nudge* * nudge*)before responding. "Uhhh...I'm Error...It's fine.Hey,what class are ya' going to, shorty?"he asked. Ink glared at him with a mighty gaze,his eyes turning to red boxes."Well, excuse you! What did you just call me?! I'm only a few inches smaller than you!!!" Ink yelled,completely enraged. "More like a few feet..." Error muttered. "WHAT WAS THAT, MISTER!?!?" He yelled.Ink was practically on fire. Error just thought it was funny to see the tiny skeleton throwing a fit.Error kept on teasing him and Ink soon gave up and continued to his homeroom. While trying his best to ignore Error,who had followed him all the way to the room,still teasing him as they went. Ink internally screamed when he realized that they probably had the same homeroom if Error followed him all the way there. He would have to spend every morning with Error's teasing and stupid smirking.


"Heh,this is going to be interesting...",??? said and chuckled to herself from inside the locker she had been watching them from.
Woah! First chapter!....Already a disappointment.Sorry for the short chapter. I'll try to make the next one longer. Anyways...Who do you think the mystery person is???Why were they spying on Ink and Error?What,exactly is going to be interesting?
Find out next time on-
( I swear,I'm going to regret publishing this abomination...)

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