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Meme by me-

Just gonna write this 'cause I have an art block-

Ink's POV:

Nnnnnggggghhhhh......I opened my eyes.

Where am I?

I looked around.

Am I...Tied up?

I look up to see both of my feet tied together and hanging from a beam on the ceiling and find my arms tied as well.

I look down to see that I'm hanging overtop of a bunch of spikes! Perfect! I'm gonna die today!

Wait...Where are the others?

I look to my sides to see the others,except most of them were tied together.

There was Error on my right,Fresh on my left. Along with Geno,Reaper,Lust,and Horror all tied together.Nightmare tied with Cross,Killer with Dream,and Blue with Dust.

Huh.....What now? It doesn't seem like any of them would be waking up anytime soon.So I'm gonna have to find a way to wake one of them up................................

"WAKE UP,SCRUBS!!!!!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

The only ones that woke up were Dream,Blue,Lust,Cross,and Geno. Maybe we really are the light sleepers of the crew.

"What the heck,Ink?!" Geno whisper/yelled.

"Yeah,Ink.What's with the unnecessary yelli- WOAH,HOLY SHRIMP."Cross yelled as he looked down at all the sharp spikes.

"I am very uncomfortable." Lust stated.

"This is really scary..."Blue said.

"Yeah..."Dream agreed.

"So anyone got a plan to wake the others up?" Lust asked.

"Well we know they never respond to yelling."I said.

"Well we could probably just poke them since we're all pretty close. But you gotta find another way,Ink." Geno said.

"Ooooh! How about you kiss Error awake, Ink~",Dream said teasingly.

Blue & Geno laughed.

"Haha.Very funny,guys."I responded and rolled his eye lights.

"You can probably swing your way over to him. If you wake Error up,he can untie all of us :P"Lust said.

"Decent plan. Let's do it." I said.

The others started poking at the sleeping skeletons while I just swung from side to side.None of us really getting anywhere.

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