Gay skellys unite!

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Thanks for all the support guys ^v^
I really appreciate it! I thought that this whole book would just turn out to be a big flop,but apparently not!

I'm not gonna waste my time doing a glitchy Error voice...So just imagine it.

Jesus Christ,I just got slapped in the face with energy. Enjoy!
Geno's POV:
"Shut up" I yell as I slap the off button on my alarm clock,falling out of bed in the process.

"Ah!" I scream.

I hear footsteps coming up the stairs at a fast pace.Suddenly my door gets broken down by Error who was holding a baseball bat covered in taped on screws.

"What happened?!?!" He yelled.

"Nothing,Error. I just fell out of bed."I reassured him.

"Oh alright. Well you should hurry up,we'll be late for school." He said and left.

I got up and got ready for the day. I went downstairs and sat down with Fresh and Error. Fresh looked at me and said,"Geno,bruh. You forgot to put on your pin.".

I looked down at myself and said,"Yeah,you're right.I'll be right back." I said. And I went back to my room to get that weird pin.

Error's POV:
Geno went upstairs to get the pin. After he left,Fresh put his elbows on the table and clapped his hands together.

"Huh?" I said.

Fresh smirked and said,"So,Error,My bro. How's your colourfully rad boyfriend doing?".

I was shocked.(NANI?!)

"What?" I asked.

Then I remembered what Geno said to me after school....Oh no he didn't.

"Did Geno tell you?!?!?!" I yelled.

"Ah,so he is your radtastical boy mate." He said.

"No! He isn't! We just met! Whatever Geno told you,it's not true!" I told him.

"Chillax,bruh! Geno dawg didn't tell me nothing. I just skated back home and realized I didn't have the bangin' keys with me. So I skated back to school with my dope heelys and saw you talking to Geno brah. So I hopped into the tree to hear what my skele-bros were all up and talking about and I heard Geno call Ink dude your wigitty boyfriend."He explained.

"Fresh...Wait,If you didn't have keys,then how did you get in the house before us?" I asked.

"You know how that amazeballs lamp in the hallway,in front of the window was on the floor when you got home?"he asked.

" You went through the window?!" I yelled again. Man,I yell a lot.

"Bingo!" Fresh replied.

I heard a giggle behind me and saw Geno sitting on the stairs.How did he get there without me noticing?

"Oh bro,you're just on time! We've got to get going to school,dudes!"Fresh said while putting on his backpack.

We got out of the house and started walking to school.Me and Fresh were in the middle of  arguing wether rainbows actually had leprechauns and gold at the end or not when we heard a skeleton call Geno's name from across the street.

(Can you guess who it is?)

(If you said Death,then you were wrong)

Love is a myth...Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt