An adVENTure

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Holy FUDGECICLES! Senpai has noticed me!!!And I think some of you may have missed the last chapter...... Uhhhh.....Yeah.This is chapter8......Or maybe I just lost a ton of readers to a birthday chapter.Anyways! Hi guys! How are you all today?


Again,Thank you guys! I REALLY freaking appreciate you all and I'm happy people are actually reading this stuff...Whatever it is....

ANd sorry for not updating for like...A week. I had some problems and things to do.I'm also still lazy.

But now!!! Let's get onto the chapter :p
(We almost have 100 goddamn views on the summary,holy mother of rainbows where the heck did you guys come from)

Nightmare's POV:

Le sigh.... Detention for me today. I mean,I don't really care. It's just that I'll be stuck in the same room as all my idiot friends. This is going to be a long day. They made a HUGE mistake by putting us all in the same room for a long amount of time.

Living with Horror,Dust,and Killer is chaos enough. But now we add all the others. So now it's just,an creepy axe murderer,An insane skeleton with a knife,insane skeleton with a knife #2,Giant knife summoning magic skeleton,Magical hyper paint puking skeleton,Glitchy skeleton with string powers,90's reject skeleton,Half dead depressed skeleton,The grim reaper,Overly positive ball of sunshine skeleton,Hyper 24/7 skeleton,Bullied skeleton that's possibly depressed but still flirty skeleton,and me. A black goop covered octopus hibrid skeleton of negativity.PLUS the fact that none of us are afraid to break the rules.

They have no idea what's in for them-

"Nightmare!!!" Someone yells as,most likely they slap me across the face.

Thanks to my reflexes,they get picked up and thrown into a wall by my tentacles.I turn to see Horror basically embedded inside the wall.

"Oh,hey Horror." I said blandly.

"Hey Nightmare." Horror says,his voice being muffled by the wall.

I stared at him in silence.

"You gonna help me?" He asked.

"Nah." I replied.

I'm sure Killer or Dust,or possibly the others will find him eventually.

"Oh,come on,Nightmare! I gave you one of my special cookies this morning!" Horror yelled.

"One,you basically shoved that thing down my throat so you could ask me if you could "borrow" one of my books without me being able to say no due to the object I'd be choking  on. Two,I don't like sweet things. Three,You didn't borrow that book,you used it to make paper planes,boats,and cranes to send to your boyfriend." I said.

"Lust's not my boyfriend! I needed to send him letters to communicate because I forgot to ask him for his  phone number. So why not do it in a fun way. And we had no paper left,what did you expect me to do? You don't let me use other monster's heads or any other body parts to write on anymore." Horror said.

"Also,how DARE you call my precious gifts from the gods "objects",and "things". They are sacred,you uncultured swine!" Horror continued.

"What the heck is going on?" Cross asked,suddenly appearing behind me.

"Nothing.Come on,Cross. We have to go to detention today." I said and dragged him away to the Detention classroom.

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