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Whoo! I finished it! >:)
Okay! I did some research and got most of the information I need. If the high school schedule in this book is stupid to you,then sorry. Let's just say that this is how it works at Sandwich high,Okay?

Part 3, baby! Why the heck are you reading this.

....Thanks though...Hope you enjoy,everyone who read the last chapter!I love you!!!

Let's get started!!!
Blue's POV:
This is one,ummm...REALLY interesting teacher I've got! Heh... I'm a little intimidated...But never fear! The magnificent Blueberry can handle anything!

Nobody's POV:
The teacher starts doing role call.
Terra?! "Here"
Beatrice?! "Sure"
Hope?! "Hell yes!"
Dan?! "Hello"
Dave?! "Present"
Blueberry?! "HERE!"
Dust?! "Sup"
Geno?! "Here..."
Ravhel?! "Yup."
Bxus?! Wassup
Temmie?! "HOI!"
-yecjvh students later-

"Alright class. We're just going to get used to this place today.This is Sandwich high.Stupid name,I know. But there's a reason...Which is also stupid. You'll be learning about that with your history teacher.So I'm not gonna explain it.As you already know,this is your homeroom. You'll have to be here once every day,so remember where it is. I know it's a big school,but you'll get used to it eventually. Make friends and join groups and clubs.Socialize.Have a great day class and I wish you luck.You're going to need it."He said.

Nobody's POV:
The class passes like your usual first day.Get used to the place.Figure out what kind of people go here,which people go in which groups. It's really just the usual.You got the jocks,the nerds,the emos,the plastic girls,the sporty people,the smart people,the nice kids that always get walked all over,the bullies,those weird,shy kids who act invisible and avoid as much human interaction possible.You know...The usual....And that kid that stalks everyo-

O O F .

ANYways,it was just a normal day so far...At least as normal as it can get in a giant building filled with a large variety of young,anxiety filled children who are being trained to fight...Which
is pretty normal! Totally! Yeah! Everything was going so well for them,it almost seemed like the cliché "spoke too soon" thing in books and movies.But that's just strange!Of course nothing as specific and ironic thing would happen to them right now-

B A M !

Wait,what? Did they all run into each other at the exact same time!Oh wait,that's just my ringtone,wait just a second.

~Four bajillion coffee mugs later~

Ugh,this is taking too long.Change of POVs!!!

Ink's POV:
Well that...Actually wasn't that bad.My teacher wasn't all that bad,I was expecting this day to be a thousand times worse.After a little bit,it was lunch time.I was putting my stuff in my locker.We didn't get to decorate them at all.Sigh,maybe next time.I close my locker door,still a little deep in thought about school when suddenly-

"Hey,what's up?"


What the frick?! Oh my gosh,it's this guy again. Suddenly I want to jump into a hole.It's Error.I'm pretty sure he's a jock....Why is he looking at me like that?....Hey what's that behind him? A random skeleton comes shooting down the hall on heelys,straight at us.

He yelled.

It was a student.He wore a colourful cap and shades that had "YOLO" written on it. He seems very happy and he was carrying a basket full of pins.They were S pins and they were black and blue.

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