Who's the real liar?

229 11 41

Thanks for the vote(s) gabingekis  , AUUTALicious , And UndertaleVoiceActor , Namenotfound1 ,you guys are super nice and thanks for supporting this garbage bin of a story ^u^ Also,Thanks To everyone else who is reading my story! It makes me happy to know that you guys like it.So thank you. You twelve people who read this story XD

Random tip,If you ever want someone to slip,use eggs. Don't try bananas like my brother,use eggs....Trust me. I almost made myself slip. And no matter how hard you wipe it with paper towel,it's still freaking slippery. Jesus.


This is me

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This is me....Help.

Kkkkkkkkk,Wait. Wtf?! Why the frick are there 90 reads on the actual summary XD

But enough with the weird stuff!Lets get on with the chapter >:)
-The next day-

Ink's POV:
It was currently battle strategizing class,which waddya' know. I have with Cross,Nightmare and Error. It kind of sounds boring,but it was actually really fun! All we really did was play war games and learn about really cool battles. The teacher just let us choose the groups to face off with each other and it was supposed to be two vs two. So this was perfect! It was Error and I vs Cross and Nightmare. Which I secretly like to call crossmare. We were playing chess at the moment!....And we were loosing. Who knew Nightmare was so good at chess?! I sure didn't! Cross was pretty good too! And Error and I.....We were terrible. We were falling hard! And I mean HARD-

"Done."Nightmare said.

"How?!?!?!" Error yelled.

"Quiet down,Error!" The teacher yelled,who was playing axis and allies.

"Sorry..." Error mumbled.

"Welp,I give up. Nightmare and Cross have already won four straight games in a row."I said.

(Well it can't really be a straight game if you're all gay-)

I tried to slam my head into the table but I was caught by Error's strings.

"Not today skittles. Not today. I don't have any bandaids with me." Error said.

(Bandaids don't help bruises though-*throws logic out the window*)

"First of all,Who said I needed bandaids? It's not even a bruise.Second if all,what do you want to do? Keep on going?" I asked.

"What do you want to do,Inky?give up? Surrender?" Error asked.


"Never surrender." I replied.

And so,we played two more games and then class was done. Error and I won one,and Cross and Nightmare won one more. But they would have still won anyways.

-The skip brought to you by Dust ramming face first into cling wrap-

"I swear,can't you guys just hook up already?!" Geno shouted while eating his lunch.

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