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Part 2! Hope you enjoy this! ...I'm somehow making this up as I go,even with a main plan...
...Save me,I'm still in elementary!I don't know how highschool works,please don't kill me for doing this wrong ;W; Dang it,side job... It's three am,I don't want to go to sleep.It's Wednesday,and I have no regrets.

The song still has nothing to do with the chapter.I just want something to listen to while I'm writing this...Help me.Why are titles so awkwardly hard?!

Ink's POV:
This is great! Just great!
I was just casually sitting in my desk,trying to have a normal first day of school! But it's kind of hard to do that when there's a flirty skeleton siting beside me, throwing me flirty remarks and literal Lenny faces!!! I can't believe I didn't notice that he was in the seat beside me! Ugh! Now he probably thinks that I wanted to sit beside him! Only been a few minutes and this day is already a disaster! Hopefully my brothers aren't having the same experience as me...I hear a distant shout saying"watch out" from outside the room. That sounds like it was from a few floors down. How was it even possible to yell that loud??? Whoever it is,they must be having a pretty horrible day.

Dream's POV:
This is absolutely terrible! I'm gonna be so late!!!
AAAAAAAAHHH!!! That's the bell! That's the bell! I'm supposed to be in my class right now! Cheese biscuits and lemons! Aaaahhh!!!
I see my homeroom and I bolt towards it at the speed of a freaking lightning bolt. The door was open and there was a skeleton standing at the doorway,looking in the other direction.... This is bad...

"WATCH OUT!!!!!!" I yell as loud as I can. I'm pretty sure the whole school heard me...He turned around and saw me speeding towards him. He tried to dodge me. Keyword,TRIED.
...He wasn't fast enough and I rammed into him...I quickly jumped up and started apologizing.


"Hey,it's okay(its okay,You're welcome🎶).Just be more careful next time.And I'm okay.". I nodded and looked at him closely.Now that I could see his face,I could see that he had this kind of black liquid coming from his eye sockets-wait...Does he have any eye lights???Where are they,oh well.I best not ask about him.I had already caused enough trouble.He had a red,glowing target thing on his chest,weird...I don't think that's supposed to go with the uniform...I shook the thoughts out of my head and asked,

"Is there any way I can make up for this?". He looked at me with a confused look for a few seconds,as if no one had ever asked him that in his life,before responding.

"I might take you up on that offer later.But for now,I'm fine.Really.Remember to slow down next time at least." And with that,he walked away.I found an empty desk in the corner.

Blue's POV:
I run to my class,not too fast,but fast enough to beat the bell. When I get into the class I stop and someone bumps into me.I turn to see a skeleton like me!Except more...Emo-ish...
Jk,he looked pretty cu-I mean cool....He had red rings for eye lights with a purple ring inside his left eye light.He somehow still wore a hood,even with his uniform on.Was he wearing a sweater under that???What the frick,it's only September!

"Hey! Watch it!",he kind of yelled at me.

This other girl walked up and said,"Yeah! Watch it,loser!".
Huh,must be his girlfriend.Or maybe he's just popular,because he pushed her away and glared at me.I think he was expecting an apology...........I will not give in.

"Ummm...I will? Can you please back up?I need to get to a desk." I asked him,trying to look as innocent and confused as possible.Even though I really wanted to burst out laughing at him for no reason at all.He looked at me as if I were the bravest person in the whole world.He just stared at me for a moment before holding out his and and saying

"Hey,the names Dust.Who are you?"....I think I just earned his respect...Cool!

I looked at him and took his hand,replying,"I'm Blueberry!Nice to meet you.",keeping on my usual innocent face. Good first impressions are important to me,Okay?He rolls his eyes at me and says,

"Nice to meet you too.". He sounds sort of sarcastic.Maybe I didn't earn his respect after all...I guess I'll just have to try harder then!

He finally backs up and I go to find a desk.I end up beside this lonely looking skeleton.He had a glitch kind of thing covering one of his eyes.I wonder why that's there...He looked like he was spacing out a little,so I tapped his shoulder and decided to introduce myself.

"Hey,my name is Blueberry! What's yours?",I ask them cheerfully.

"Uhhh...My name's Geno...Do you need something?",he asked while looking at me weirdly. Huh,he must be a real loner.NOT ANYMORE!!!

"Do you want to be friends?! You seem like a really nice person!",I said.

He looked at me really confused and kind of seemed to relax a little more.Does he get bullied? It seems as if no one has ever told him something like that before.Why is he reacting like that was a threat?He looks at me carefully and finally responds,

"Sorry,I'm kind of busy today.Maybe next time.".

I was so confused.

"Ummm no. I asked if you wanted to be friends. Not if you wanted to hang out..."

We both stared at each other awkwardly.....

"Hey! What's that behind you?" Geno asked me,while pointing behind me.
I looked behind me to see what he was pointing at.....It was nothing...I can't believe I was so gullible...
I turned around to find him gone. Oh wait,never mind! He was on the other side of the room with headphones on.Maybe he doesn't want to be friends. I'll let it pass today.Maybe I'll try again tomorrow. I'll just wait for the teacher to come...

Geno's POV:
Phew! That was close. I'm surprised he fell for that. I was nervous! That was so awkward....But I kind of feel bad for running
Off. He actually seemed nice and genuine. But I don't really want any friends at the moment. I just want to be alone. Everyone who I've been friends with gets hurt because of me. It's better if I just stay a loner.I've got too many enemies.
Hey,the teacher just entered.I take off my headphones and place them around my neck.
Wait...What the hell...? Is our teacher seriously  a giant bush with arms and a top hat?What  kind of teachers are here?!?!........And why is he so mad?

"Hello! My name is Mr.Bushmonster.
Welcome to our school.This is homeroom 1643.If that was not your assigned number,then get the hell out of here and get to the right one."he said in a dull voice.

Oh man,this guy is just a bucket of sunshine. Isn't he.Ugh,I can already tell that this is going to be a long day.

Okay....Uhh ye....
Almost sorry for the cliffhanger,guys!
Almost,but not quite.
I had to leave it at that,because starting the lesson and class and stuff would take too long.
And I feel like I already took enough time with this.So.....Hey! At least it's longer than the last one! (1322 words) I'm probably gonna take even longer,sorry.I'm getting dragged to the lake this summer....
..........Bye! >:3

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