The scientist's diary

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Jdhixhssgusgffhicjdjsjjjajficijdj-Yay,a new chapter

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Yay,a new chapter....

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA- I'm so pumped! The time is now =_=

I'm about to start the *inhales* "amazing" journey of what the absolute heck happened and why the world of love is a Myth is like it is. So Ye.

Also,I added the image of the key to the chapter they were given it. If you don't want to go back to look at it for some reason,like Okay. Idrc. It's appearance isn't really important. But I might show the picture again later so Meh.

But now is the time! YAY! LET'S DO THIS!!!!

Nobody's POV:
(Because idk-)

They all stared at it in an eerie silence. It seemed as if no one had been here in centuries. It also looked like millions had died in here.

It reeked of blood and dust. You could faintly hear strange whispers and screams. And the air was just...Suffocating. It felt exactly like the kind of place they'd be looking for.
(You already know what's about to go down •3•)

It looked kind of like a creepier version of the lab in the school's library. Except there was just a long hallway with some shelves,and a turn going right with a desk on the left side before you turn.

It was dead silent as they walked down the hallway. Literally.

They all shone a their flashlights while Cross held the lamp.

They could hear their footsteps echoing through the halls.

"This place is so creepy..." Fresh said.

"Yeah. It's so creepy,you can't even use your 90's voice."Geno said.
(Or maybe I'm just lazy- jk. I'm not lazy enough to change Fresh-)

"Says Who,Broski." Fresh asked.

"Says me!" Geno responded.

"Have any of you guys realized how many days of school we've missed by now?" Reaper asked.

"We're in an creepy old abandoned lab under a rusted and crumbling library,and you're concerned about school?" Geno asked.

"Idk. Just a thought." Reaper said.

"How are you not scared?" Dream asked.

"The boi is too emo."Ink said.

"Lol." Geno said.
(My attempts at being creepy are failing XD My brain doesn't want any serious parts in this,lol. Do not fear,children. For there are no spoopy parts here XD)

"Fun fact,the word 'panic' comes from the greek word 'panikos',which is referring to a Greek god pan who would apparently shout at people in the woods to freak them out." Killer stated.

"Career goals" Horror responded.

"Wtf." Dust said.

"What is 'greek'?" Dream asked.

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