sept - Hojung

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Hojung was the last one in the practice room, trying to make sure everything was perfect.

"Okay, Hojung. It's a one, two and, three," he mumbled to himself.

He walked over to the speaker and played the music and quickly got into position. He danced a few more times, trying to engrave the moves into his memory. Just as he hit the last pose, the music cut off and his phone started to ring.

Taking a sip of water and wiping his sweat off, he shuffled over to his phone and answered it.

"Hello?" he answered.

"Babe! Are you done with practice yet?" he heard the voice of his girlfriend, Y/N, on the other side.

"Yeah, I just finished the moment you called me."

"Perfect! Freshen up and meet me at the coffee shop next to your company~"

Just as Hojung was about to reply, he heard the phone go dead.

"Did she just hang up on me?" he asked himself and pulled the phone away from his ear. Seeing that she did, he let out a chuckle and put his phone into his pocket before going to freshen up.

As soon as Hojung stepped into the coffee shop, he stood there and took a deep breath, smelling the coffee aroma. After that, he looked around to see any sign of his girlfriend. He quickly scanned the area before he saw her in a corner booth.

As he made his way over, Y/N looked up and made eye contact with him. He couldn't stop himself and smiled widely at her.

"Hi, baby." Y/N said the moment Hojung slid into the booth.

"Hi, Y/N." he replied, happily.

While he was putting his stuff away, Y/N slid a drink over to his side.

"What's this?"

"I bought you your favorite drink, silly," she replied as she took a sip of hers.

"You didn't have to, Y/N- Let me by you a pastry at least-"

"No, no, it's my treat."

"Are you sure?"

Y/N looked at him and gave a firm nod.

"Yes, Hojung, I'm sure. Now that you're here, tell me about your day."

Hojung let out a small chuckle and relaxed a bit before taking a sip of his drink and telling his girlfriend about his day.

"You wouldn't believe what Euijin hyung did today, Y/N."

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