Chapter 4: The man in the lab coat

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   My body aches all over even I woke up,but I was back in my tiki!It was just a dream. (I think...)
"Calm down,Calm down, Miho." I was shaking.Something didn't feel right.
"IT'S GONE!" My choker was gone!I started panicking.It was the only thing that I'm sure about my parents death, that the murderer left it.But then I heard a bell,the same very bell that lead me to the choker in the house.I walked outside still shaking and I saw the blood trail.I quickly followed it afraid of what I might find.Eventually, I stumbled upon an old wooden shack.It had a pebble walkway leading to the beaten down door.I walked up to the door and heard the bell again, except coming from inside the old shack.I quietly opened the old creaky door...
   I woke up with cold metal touching my wrists and ankles.My choker was still gone and I heard voices coming from outside the dark,bare room.
"It's the gods order!" Said a strange unfamiliar voice.
"Please!There's something special about her!"said another voice but this time it was oddly familiar.
"She threw you in a BRAMBLE PATCH!"
    Suddenly the event seemed oddly familiar but I couldn't remember anything about it...Actually I couldn't remember anything at all really!As I let out a groan of frustration I instantly regretted it.
"What was that?" Said the oddly familiar voice.
The metal door then burst open and there stood two men.One had white hair and a lab coat, the other...  it was the Fox Guardian!My eyes gleamed with hatred for him as I mumbled,"The THOUGHT that I could ever trust you makes me sick!"
"How are you still awake!?" Said the strange man.
"I told you she was special!" Said the Fox Guardian.I just glared at the two men.
"Fine.I'll just higher the dosage."Said the man as he walked back toward the door.The Fox Guardian gave me a pitying glance before disappearing behind the strange man and shutting the door.I let out a sigh.
"Stupid" I shouldn't have let my guard down.When I was in the village people would always put poison in my food or drink so I'm almost immune to all poisons.As I thought about all the bad things everyone's done to me I got madder and madder until I didn't fell cold metal around my wrists and ankles. I looked down and saw that they were on the ground tinted red with a chuck missing on all of them.I looked down at the melting metal astonished.I quickly hopped on my feet and looked around swiftly.There wasn't a single sliver of light anywhere except coming from under the door.I closed my eyes trying to think of Shiro and how she didn't return, but it wasn't her I thought about, it was the Fox Guardian. As I went to punch the wall I hit a soft grass like wall.I opened my eyes and I was in a dirt house.It was a one room house with a pot-belly stove in one corner, a table in the middle of the room and ,a bunk bed in another corner.As I heard the only door start to creak, I ran and hid on the top bunk of the bunk bed.Someone let out a sigh.
"Why did he have to kill her!"Suddenly something hard hit the table.I jumped at the loud noise and hit my head on the roof.All of a sudden the person burst out laughing.I looked down from the top bunk to the Fox Guardian looking at me teasingly.I fell off the bunk in surprise and tried to run for the only exit, but before I reached the door something or someone pulled at the hood of my jacket. Out of no where I couldn't breath and was dragged and laid on the bottom bunk of the bunk bed.As I struggled for breathe the Fox Guardian sat beside me on the ground.
"I'm Sorry but I can't let you leave..." I heard him whisper.As I fought for consciousness, I saw the Fox Guardian lighting a match.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! - Java

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