Chapter 15: More than it seems

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WARNING: This chapter contains a lot of violence!

I woke up to find myself chained to another wall but I wasn't alone. There were people chained on the same wall on either side of me.

"What's happening..?" I whispered to the girl next to me.

"Ha! Like you don't know." She said looking at me with pain.

" Seriously. I don't remember being brought here." I whispered back getting annoyed.

" We're here because of our powers. They come in here and hit one of us and bring-" She stopped talking when a man walked through the door. He smiled at all of us before walking to the guy on my left and slapping him.

" What's your power?" He asked like nothing happened.

" I-I can pull rocks out of the ground.." He stuttered. The boy didn't even look to be 13. The man slapped him again but harder. He undid his chains and brought him to the middle of the room and strapped him to the table I never noticed. He picked up a knife and slowly started making X's on the skin with the knife.

" Stop! He's only a child!" I screamed at him.

" Shut up! Your gonna be next orphan." He said smiling at me.

"We can help him. I promise after I'm done dealing with him I'll give you back control." Ohim said blankly.

"Fine." I thought.

"Ohim haiboku." I said out loud. After the word rolled out of my mouth I was sucked out of my body were I could watch the scene. A laugh escaped mine, or I guess Ohim's mouth.

" What are you laughing about, Orphan?" The guy in the middle of the room said. Ohim looked him up and down before I was sucked back into my body.

"W-What! Ohim! Your a post to help me!" I thought.

"You can take him. Trust me. You have more to your fire than you think. It might not even stop at fire..." She said to me. The man had turned around and was now punching the kid in the stomach. That just made my anger boil over the top. I looked down and the metal was melted. I stood up and cleared my throat, bad idea on my part to be honest. The man turned around and looked at me in surprise. I put my hand out and it lit in flame. The guy grinned at me and held his hand out while vines were shooting out of the ground. Instantly the fire disappeared and I tried to summon it again but it wouldn't appear.

"Think of what it would feel like to do what he's doing. Trust me." Ohim said after a moment of hesitation. I rolled my eyes but I did it because I had no other choice. I held my hands out and to my surprise vines slithered out of the ground on either side of me. The guys eyes widened at the sight of me doing this. He slowly backed away till he was pressed against the wall. The vines on either side of me slithered toward him till they grabbed his throat and started chocking him.

"No! Stop! Don't do that!" I screamed at the vines.

"Let me do my job and stop resisting!" Ohim hissed.

"Stop Ohim! Please! I don't want to kill!" I yelled out loud.

" To late. I already killed those so called friends of yours what were there names? Monsuta and Zen." She said with a bounce in her voice. I shook my head while tears streamed down my face. The guy in front of me went limp in the vines grasp as they slithered back in the ground. I wiped the tears from my eyes as I walked over to the boy strapped onto the table he was still alive and conscious, but barely. I knew I had to get these kids out of here or they would get killed.

" Can you walk?" I asked in a soft voice. He nodded his head with fear in his eyes. I turned my head and looked at the kids on the wall, they all had fear in there eyes as well.

" If you want to get out of here alive you need to follow me. Do exactly as I tell you as well." They all nodded there heads to me with determination now replacing the fear. I thought about all the chains unlocking and to my delight they did. Everyone stood up and I got two other boys to help carry the kid that was originally strapped to the table. I started heading toward the door and as I looked back at what looked like to be about 12 kids I noticed that one of them hadn't moved after standing up. She looked about 8. I walked over to her.

" Sweetie, we need to go if you want to get out of here." I said softly.

"B-but I can't leave behind m-my sister.." She stuttered between soft sobs. She pointed to a small girl on top of a pile of bodies. She looked to be 6. I lifted my hand up to my mouth realizing that they were killing such small children.

"She's in a better place now. Now come on why don't you come along and get on this nice girl's back?" I said softly turning toward her. The girl that was originally beside me while I was on the wall had walked up beside me and nodded her head at me. The girl climbed onto the girls back before giving me a thumbs up. I walked to the front of the crowd of kids.

"Everyone follow me if you want to get out." I yelled. I stomped out the door and turned right. We walked through the what seemed like abandoned hallways for what felt like 15 minutes. Eventually we came to a hallway where there were two people a girl and a boy running down the hallway talking through a walkie-talkie. I signaled for everyone to get up against the wall and to my relief they did. I focused on making all of us invisible and it worked because when the people turned down the hallway they didn't even glance at us. They started walking as slowly as they could, or what it felt like.

"I hope we can save this set of kids again. We can't afford to lose them again." The girl said. I started to get lightheaded and it was getting harder to focus on keeping up invisible now. The walkie-talkie went off as soon as I started getting lightheaded.

"There gone! There not in the room! They must have known we'd come so they moved them!" A males voice said coming from the walkie-talkie. The boy mumbled cuss words under his voice as they started running. Right before they turned the corner they stopped and turned around. They probably turned around because of the noice I made as I collapsed on the ground as well as losing my concentration so we were all invisible. All the kids ran up to them and started cheering when they saw them. One started screaming we're saved while another asked if I was ok to the two people. The two people ran up to me and crouched down in front of me. They checked my pulse and said I was ok. I let out a growl as they tried to check my pulse.

"We're going back to our camp now. And don't worry about her. He'll carry her." She said like I wasn't even there.

    THE FIRST BATTLE!!! I finally got to write my first battle scene! Sorry about all the sad stuff in this! But I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and if you did please like and/or vote and comment! Have a good day/night!  - Java

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