Chapter 22: War

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   "You're what we call a Natural." Ein said. I gasped.

"What is that?" Ohim said. Ein went on to explain the History behind powers and everything.(Chapter 21)

"Sooo why am I not dead?" Ohim asked confused. She probably knew all the answers but wanted me to sound like myself.

"I don't know.... unless..." Ein said lost in thought. I shook my head at him.

"You don't mean..."

" Unless you're the baby from the story." He said. No, no, no. This isn't happening. This is just to much at this point. Ohim went quite. I tried to speak but only accomplished opening my mouth. I looked at Ein as my eyes watered. My only source of speech is gone and I learned that I was a baby from the past. Great.

Two weeks later

It's been two weeks since I last spoke. Ohim has told me that she couldn't grasp what was wrong with me. She told me that I failed everything. I've had a soggy, icky feeling ever since. Ein,Nova,Daniel, and Raven. Of course I can't speak so I couldn't tell them. Oh and one more thing. We're at War. We're at War with the Gods nation. No one knows when they're going to attack all we know is it's going to be soon. As in today soon. I walk out of my house only to be bombarded by Ein.

"EMERALD! THEY'RE HERE!" He yelled. My eyes opened wide at him. I now heard the thundering of drums in the distance. I put on finger up signaling to give me a moment. I walked back into my house and opened my closet. I grabbed the black armor that was full of swirls of silver. My name and Ohim's name laced on it with red. I put in on and walked back outside. Ein gave me a thumbs up as we ran back to the main building. I saw that everyone that had a lower rank was in here.

"Alright! Everyone that's fighting follow me!" Ein yelled. We all rushed out following Ein. We got to the outskirts of the camp and saw a huge army of Soldiers all in the same uniform wear. Everyone separated into their groups. Earth,Fire,Water, and Air. I stood alone in the front as instructed. I was to lead everyone into battle. We began marching forward until we were face to face with the Gods soldiers.

"Failure. You can't do anything right. You'll get everyone killed." I heard Ohim say. I flinched at her words. A sudden wave of weakness washed over me. My knees buckled and I fell to the ground. I was panting hard trying to regain my breath.

"Hold on!" I heard a voice yell. Someone crouched down beside me.

"Are you corrupted?" I heard a voice whisper in my ear.

" GET AWAY FROM HER!" I heard someone else yell behind me. I nodded my head to the person.

"This isn't good... Everyone back away from her!" He yelled. I heard yells of protest.

"Look at me." He said. I tilted my head up and tears rolled down my face. It was a face I never thought I would see again.

"What's wrong with her Mon?" I heard Zen say. They were still alive. Anger over took me.

"You told me they were dead!" I thought.

"Whops. I guess I was wrong." Ohim said.

"Hey calm down." Monsuta said softly. I looked at him hopefully. My hopes faded when I realized he didn't know who I was. I guess my hair and eyes change was to different. I looked back at the ground. They were my enemy's. A wave was pushed from the ground and they were knocked back. I heard cheering from behind me. I stood up even though I was growing weaker. Monsuta and Zen sat on the ground bewildered. I smirked down at them. Zen's eyes went wide. I pulled my hand up and it lit in flame. I heard battle cries as my group charged. I rushed into the battle. I found myself face to face with a guy twice my size.

"Aww. Little kitty's lost her way. Let me show you." He mocked. My hand lit in flame again and I shot it at him. He jumped to the side. While he was recovering with what happened I pulled vines up from the ground and grabbed him with them. His eyes went wide.

"B-But..." He stuttered. I smirked at him. I lowered my head as I stole his life. I fell to the ground as I lost my last bit of energy. Perfect timing to lose consciousness.

I woke up in a hospital room. I started to freak out. What if I was captured. I started wiggling and struggling on the bed. But I was held down by straps. The door opened as Zen walked in. I'm almost certain now that I was captured. He walked over to my bed.

"How are you feeling?" He asked softly. I just looked at him.

"Speak." I still looked at him.

"Speak!" He said louder. I opened it but closed it again.

"What are you? A mute?" He said rolling his eyes. I nodded my head. He looked down at me in shock.

"Kill him"

"Ok..... well we don't know how to fix how much control your corrupted person has over you. Just thought I should let you know." He leaned down toward me.

"I'll find a way to help you." He said. His face drew closer to mine as the door slammed open. He quickly shot back up.

"Zen we ha- ohhhh..." Monsuta said looking at me.

"M-m-mo" I stuttered out. Zen looked at me wide eyed. I don't blame him because my eyes were just as wide. Monsuta stared at me. He edged closer and was standing beside my bed.

"That's Leader Monsuta to you." He said disgusted. I swear when he said that my heart broke a little.

"It-" I said before my throat closed back up. Zen looked at me curious.

"Zen, if you want to keep her as your assistant then you need to teach her what she can't do." He said before turning around and leaving.

"I'm sorry for him. A couple of weeks ago a girl left that he was pretty fond of. I think he liked her more than he should of but he denies it. It crushed him. So now he's just been a complete-" He said before he stopped dead in sentence.

"You look familiar." He said suddenly. I looked at him hopefully. He shook his head after a while.

"I give up at this point."

"Miho." I said. OHIM THANK YOU!

Sorry for not updating after so long!  I hope you liked the chapter! If you did then please vote and/or comment! Have a good day/night! - Java

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