Chapter 10: A Hidden Secret

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I couldn't stop myself. I was going to kill him, I knew it. For some reason a sudden feeling of delight filled me at the thought of Zen dead.
" Stop... please don't! Take your control back Miho! Come on, I know you can do it!" I heard Zen shout from in front of Ohim. I whispered a small apology while I struggled for control. Leaves crunched behind Ohim as she whipped her head around to look for the source of the noise. Monsuta was gone and all that was left was a single green leaf. Ohim stared at the green leaf for a couple of seconds before my vision turned black...

I pulled the blankets up so they were covering up to my shoulders hoping that it would help stop my shaking. Wait.. what? Blankets? Shaking? Whatttt..? I opened my eyes to only see darkness. I bolted strait up wondering why all I could see was black.
" Hey Monsuta! Your girlfriend's awake!" Said a rather familiar voice.
"She's not my girlfriend thank you very much." Said another voice that I for once remembered as Monsuta's voice. The steaming piece of cloth then fell from my eyes giving back my vision. I was back in Monsuta's cave, burrow, house, thingy and the freakin devil himself, Zen, was sitting in a chair next to me. Of course me being me squeaked and curled up into the smallest ball I could be in and crawled to the farthest corner of the bunk bed from Zen.
"Why are you here!" I shouted at Zen. Zen let out a small laugh and looked at Monsuta.
"Wait how did I get here?" I asked. I looked at Zen who was still looking at Monsuta. I looked at Monsuta who avoided my glance and had a red face. I stared at them with another questioning look.
" Well you see here Miho,while your buddy took over your body and tried to kill me Monsuta woke up and transformed into his fox form. While he was in his fox form he distracted your buddy with the leaf and clicked your choker on you which made you come back to your body while you were unconscious." Zen said casually like something taking over your body and trying to kill someone happens everyday.
"Sooo... that doesn't explain how I got here and why y'all are staring at me like that." I stated.
"I-I carried you.." Monsuta whispered. I stared at him oddly for a couple of seconds before turning to Zen.
" You don't want to know." He said oddly. His eyes lite up and a big smile formed on his face like a child would on Christmas after a couple of seconds.
"What?!?" I shouted at him. Monsuta laid something on my bed and walked out with Zen close behind him giggling. I picked up the thing Monsuta laid on the bed and saw it was a small mirror. I turned it around so I could look at my reflection and saw myself staring back at me but I had white fox ears standing on my head. I dropped the mirror in shock and felt on top of my head and felt the fluffiness of the ears. I moved my hands behind me and felt a bushed out tail. I looked behind me to see that it to was white. I let out a scream. This TOTALLY made since, I have fire powers and I'm also part ARCTIC FLIPPING FOX!!!!!!

😸FINALLY AT CHAPTER TEN!😸 I am soooo sorry for the long wait! Through band camp and having a bad case of writers block it hasn't been easy. Sorry for any bad grammar to! Thank you for being patient! Hope you enjoyed the chapter and have a good day/night! - Java

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