Chapter 21: History lesson

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   A couple hundred years back there lived many creatures on land and in water. They lived in peace... mostly. The most common creatures were the humans, Naturals, and part animals. They tried there best to keep away from one another but of course, that didn't really work.

The humans were powerless creature. They thought highly of themselves and didn't appreciate the supernatural. Speaking of SuperNaturals. Naturals were powerful creatures. They had the power to grasp the power of anything they wished. They were mostly selfless and would sacrifice themselves for a loved one. The part animals/ Hybrids were humans or Naturals that were mutated by humans to have animal like features and personalities. They mostly hid among humans. Of course there were other species but they weren't as common.

One day though, the humans got tired of the supernatural. So they went out and captured a Natural by stealing and threatening one of there loved ones, knowing that they were selfless. To this day no one knows why the humans hated supernaturals. People think it was because they were jealous, they were attacked, or they were scared. The ideas go on and on. Anyway, the loved ones Natural just happened to be one of the prettiest Naturals in all the race. She wanted to go and save her little sister but the other Naturals didn't approve of it... but she went anyway. She walked into the big city of what the humans called New York. She was discussed by how the humans acted. She went into the building that they had told her to go into. You might be wondering why they didn't just do what ever to her sister then to her. Well, her sister was a dud. She had no power. No way to defend herself. As soon as she walked into the building she was grabbed and tied down. She begged them to let her sister go but they didn't. Instead they forced her to watch them as they killed her. She was limp with no emotion. An easy target.

They took DNA anyway they could. Hair,blood,Skin, etc. Over the course of time there was one human that sat in the corner and just watched. She always watched him curiously. One day the humans got really excited and chained that human in a chair and took some of her blood and put it in him. He screamed in pain over the night. But the next morning he had a mysterious power. So the humans inserted her blood into each other. Again, waking up with a mysterious power. Each different. Over time she fell in love with the quiet human and he fell in love with her. During this time they had found out how to duplicate her blood. So now almost all humans, wether they wanted it or not, had powers. They didn't have a use for the girl anymore. But little did they know she was pregnant with the mans child. He tried to make an excuses for why they couldn't kill her. They started getting skeptical. They had an idea then though. They decided to kill all of her people. They said they had had enough of there "control".

While they were at war the man got the girl away to safety. That was where she had the baby. A beautiful daughter with silver hair and brown eyes. But the girl died giving birth. Over the couple of weeks the man noticed that his daughter wasn't aging. She wouldn't eat,drink, go to the bathroom, etc. The man was convinced that the baby was a goner so he left it. Left her to die. Before he left though, he made a capsule around the baby so when it decided to grow it would open. Until then the capsule would keep her safe. No one knows what became of the girl. Or what powerful breed she was. But the whole Natural race was killed and there were no more humans roaming the earth.
                   This is our world today.

Hope you liked the little dose of History behind the powers. If you liked the chapter then please Vote and/or comment. Have a good day/night!  - Java

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