Chapter 14: Emerald

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Sorry for the bad chapter!

    I woke up on the bottom bunk of the bunk bed in Monsuta's House. All I could fill was blazing rage. Not even wondering how I got in the house I growled.

" What's wrong?" I heard someone moan above me.

" Go get Zen. Now!" I growled. Monsuta carefully climbed done the ladder and walked over to my bed.

" Hold on now. You need to calm down." He said in a soft voice.

" I can't when I need answers!" I yelled at him.

" What did I say about yelling in my house! I'll go get him when you apologize." He said crossing his arms.

" Fine. I'm sorry. Now can you go get him please." I said crossly. He nodded his head and went outside wearing the same clothes he had on yesterday. A couple of minutes later he returned with a tired looking Zen close behind him.

" What do you want?" Zen said with a hoarse voice.

" We need to go outside to talk about this. Alone." I said staring at Monsuta. I got up off the bed and went outside with Zen close behind me.

" Now, what do you want?" He asked.

" Why am I having weird dreams?" I said staring at him.

" Why would I know? Everyone has weird dreams." He said while looking uncomfortable.

" I know you know because you were in one of them." I said staring at him with hatred.

" Oh? Was it us kissing?"  He said smirking at me.

" NO! Dear Gods! It was when we first met. In high school." I said staring at him blankly.

" W-What?" He said staring at me horrified.

"Answers. Now!" I yelled at him.

" ...  After your parents died, Shiro went missing, and I graduated the Gods decided to erase some of your memory's to help keep you from getting corrupted." He said not meeting my eyes.

" Well it didn't work." I said.

" Exactly. But they thought it would work so they erased some people from your memory's, including me, and erased some good and bad memory's that would cause you pain."He said with hurt in his eyes.

" Why am I remembering them then?" I asked confused.

" Well since your corrupted I think your memory's are coming back because Ohim is pulling them back to make you lose control." Zen said.

" Well that ain't happenin'."

" Let's hope not. By the way... what memory do you remember that I was in." He said hesitantly.

" Just when we first met and..." I refuse to say the other part.

" When I handed Conner the match box." He said finishing the sentence for me.

" How did.." I said confused.

" Just a guess. I promise you I regret doing that!" He said hurriedly.

" Well do you know how much pain you put me in doing that!?" I yelled at him.

" Please hear me out!"

" No! It would probably be best if you left.." I said sadly.

" Emerald... please.."

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" I yelled at him. He thought he could just call me by my middle name after I remember he helped someone light me on fire. After I yelled I stormed back into Monsuta's house and sat on the bed putting my head into my hands. This is when the tears started. I heard the door open and close as Monsuta went outside. A couple minutes later I heard yelling. The door opened and closed again after the yelling stoped. I felt a hand go around my back as I felt someone sit beside me.

"Shhhh... it's ok." I heard Monsuta whisper. I buried my head into his chest as I fell into a troubled sleep.

    Finally got to half a hundred reads! I know it isn't a lot but to me it's an accomplishment!Thank you everyone! Dang that was an exhausting chapter. Well, see you next time! If you liked the chapter please Like and/or vote and comment! Have a good day/night!  - Java

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