Chapter 5: Feeling Betrayed

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    As the flashback started I was being held down on my knees by two boys in a dark alley.Three boys were in front of me.
"Your not going to kill anyone else.Unlike your dump parents and Shiro." The boy in the middle of the three said. In response I spat in his direction.He then grunted and snapped his fingers to the boy on his right.The boy hesitated and frowned, but eventually handed him a small box.The boy in the middle then took out something that looked like a small twig and flicked it across the side of the box. A tiny but threatening flame started dancing on top of the twig. The boy on the left then took out a bottle of some sort and drenched me with the liquid in it. Then the smell hit me, lighter fluid, I panicked and struggled in the boys grasps. The boys jut laughed at me and nodded to the boy in the middle, he then stepped toward me.
"This is what you get for hurting the love of my life..." he whispered in my ear where only I could hear. He then dropped the match on me. Pain seared through my body. It was like when I first got poisoned, I was bed sick for a month.

As I awoke pain was still searing through my body and I groaned. My vision was blurring in and out. A jolt went through my body I screamed at the pain. I heard a soft voice say
"What's wrong?!" The voice sounded panicked.
     I looked up at the Fox Guardian desperate as another jolt went through my body and I screamed again as I hit the floor.
"Make it stop!Make it stop! I don't want to be burnt anymore! Make it stop!" I screamed.
"What?" Said the Fox Guardian obviously confused.
A moment later the Fox Guardian's face lit up and he ran out of the room for a second and ran back in with a bucket. He walked over to the stove and sprinkled a few leaves in it as another jolt went through my body. He slowly walked toward me with the bucket in his hands. Another jolt went through my body but then the pain stopped. I. Was. Soaked... I jumped up off of the bed and threw my soaked hoodie off of me. I turned around and stared at the Fox Guardian with hatred.
"You sabotage me, then imprison me, and now you soak me!" I yelled at him. He looked taken back and hurt. After a slight pause I bolted for the door. I felt hands slide through me before opening the door and running into the woods.

Miho was wearing a shirt under her hoodie if you were wondering. Remember the last sentence of this story bc it will help you understand stuff later in the story! Have a good day!  - Java

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