Chapter 18: Daniel

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"Emerald. Sider."
I stared at the badge in confusion. I'm a sider. The weakest of them all. I clipped the badge on furiously. How dare they! If only they knew who I was. I looked at the map to see a bunch of places that were labeled with names and eventually I saw a small place that said Emerald. I walked outside into the chilly air. I started my walk to my house. On my way to my house I got a lot of stares. I realized it was probably because of my ears and tail but I didn't really care. I kept on walking and eventually I was in an area where there was really nobody around. Great. I'm lost. I kept on walking hoping to find someone to ask directions to. I eventually started hearing a scream. I walked toward it and it was in an alleyway. I know they say not to go into a dark and shady alleyway but I mean, there's a kid screaming bloody murder down there. I thought about becoming invisible and I did. I walked down the alleyway and I eventually came to a small girl that was on the ground up against a corner with a guy that looked around my age standing above her.

" I told you to stop screaming! You need to learn your lesson for running into me!" He said furiously at the girl. I realized that the girl was actually the girl that had her sister killed and that I rescued. I felt anger boiling up inside me. The guy held his hand up and pieces of rock flew up from the ground. Before he could throw them at the girl I ran in front of the girl. I felt pain sear through my body then. I heard a growl and I knew I was visible again.

"Get out of here Sider before I hurt you even more." He growled at me. I shook my head at him.

"Fine. You want to fight?" He said with a smile. I looked at his badge and it said,
"Daniel. Earth General. Warrior." He picked up his hands and enormous pieces of rock flew up from the ground. I smiled at him and picked my hands up at first nothing happened.

"Whats wrong? Are you gonna kill me with kindness?" He mocked. Then my hands lit in flame. His eyes opened wide.

"H-how..." He stuttered with fear. I smiled at him. Oh, how much I love that look of fear.

"Oh it's nothing. Just my power that is kept a secret. Right?" I said to him in a cheerful way.

"Right." He whispered.

"And if it doesn't stay a secret then we could have some serious consequences. So it's best if it stays secret." I said to him. I turned toward the girl that looked confused and terrified.

"Do you remember me?" I asked her in a soft and comforting voice. She nodded her head at me.

" So you know I won't hurt you right?" She nodded her head again relaxing.

"You can't tell anyone that you saw flames coming out of her hands ok? I'm sorry that I tried to hurt you too. I get angry really easy. Can you forgive me?" The guy- or I guess Daniel- said softly to the girl. The girl nodded her head at him and smiled. I looked her up and down and realized she also had a badge.
" Allissa. Minor." I smiled at her.

"Why don't you get on my back and I'll take you to your caretakers?" I asked her. She nodded her head and got on my back.

"Please don't take me to them. They took me outside and said that they would hurt me if I ever came back." She said to me. My eyes opened wide and I looked at Daniel, who's eyes were as wide as mine.

"That's ok. You can have a sleepover at my house. Daniel here is gonna show us to it right?" I said looking at Daniel questioningly. He nodded his head with fear returning. He took out his map and started walking so I followed him. After a couple of seconds Allissa was asleep.

"So why didn't you show them?" Daniel asked.


"Why didn't you show Ein and Nova your power?"

"Oh... I don't completely trust them. I haven't fully trusted anyone for a while."

" Don't worry. You'll warm up eventually." He said with a smile.

"Heh. Sorry for being soooo.... forceful? But if I ever see you hurting a kid again it won't come off as a warning."

"Ya.... sorry about that. I have some pretty bad anger issues you could say." Just then we neared a street light. As we walked under it Daniel stopped.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Y-your part Arctic Fox." He breathed out. I rolled my eyes at him and waved my tail.

"Yeah I am, got a problem with it?"

"No! It's just that I've never seen one in person." He mumbled.

"Heh. I don't think anyone has for a couple of years." I said.

"Well anyway this is your stop. And try to stay after curfew this time. It's 10:00 P.M." He said while walking off. I stared at him like he was crazy. A curfew? Seriously. I turned toward the door and saw a note.

" The key is your badge!"

Well that's useful to know. I took off my badge and scanned it. I heard a click and I opened up the door. I walked over to my bed and laid Allissa down on it. I walked over to my closet and opened it up to find it as empty as my heart. Ha. So I took my shoes off and laid down beside Allissa. I let the tears run freely and cried myself to sleep.

  I have literally nothing to say... Well, anyway so if you liked the chapter please Vote and/or comment! Have a good day/night! 
                                 - Java

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