Chapter 6: Monsuta

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    As I ran through the maze of trees I thought about turning back. He was my only chance at finding out about the truth of Shiro... and maybe even my parents! I slowed down as I burst through the trees onto a bank of a lake. I stopped and stared at it. The reflection of the setting sun and the few shy stars poking out from their hiding place. Why does life have to be so difficult for me? Should I even exist? Through the bullying and everything is there actually light at the end of the tunnel? As a thought crossed my mind I took a daring step toward the water. The cold quiet water lapped at my toes sending a searing pain through my toes.I jumped back in shock. What was that!? I bent down and swiftly poked the water. The pain was then shot through my finger. I turned my hand around and shouted at it,
"That's my power! Being hurt by water!"
Suddenly my hand jolted and lit in flame. I let out a scream of shock. Fire was a forbidden power! Only the fire God, Lee , could use it! If you had a power that had ANYTHING to do with Fire,Water,Air,or Earth you would be punished by torture and then death. A shiver went down my spine at the thought of being tortured. The flame then disappeared as quickly as it appeared. I suddenly heard leaves crunch somewhere in the woods. I ran and hid behind a tree.( I was panicking OK!) The Fox Guardian stepped out from the tree line and stood there for a few seconds with his eyes closed. He opened his eyes after a while and sat a few feet away from the lapping water.
"You know what? You remind me of myself a couple years back. Probably because I'm 20 and only 2 years older than you," He said with a small laugh, " Your living a pretty decent life but all of a sudden something happens and everything comes crumbling on you... *dramatic pause* I'll tell you everything you want to know about me if you'll tell me everything I ask about you... Give me one more chance, Please." He said desperate. I felt the rage coming spiting up from me not far in front of the sympathy.
"How many more chances do you want!" I shouted at him as I sprung from behind the tree. He stared at me with a blank expression for a couple of seconds before I shook my head and sat beside him, well away from the water.
"L-Let's start with names first." I said finally giving in. He looked at me with the brightest smile but it eventually faded.
"My names...Uh...Ummm....." He stumbled for words. I gave him a questioning glance.
"Fine. I'll go first. My names Miho." I said as I looked the other way.
"That means Beautiful Fire..." He mumbled. I snuck a glance at him and saw him... blushing?He saw me glance and his face turned tomato red. After a couple of deep breathes he finally calmed himself down enough to speak.
"Well.. don't laugh but.. my name's Monsuta."
"WAIT! That means monster! Your not a monster! Well... not entirely."
"Heh, well my parents thought differently." He said as pain flashed his eyes. I stared at him with disbelief. Surely he's kidding... right? I looked into his eyes and all I saw was pain.
"Don't think like that! Let's just move on." I said nervously.
"Well, I believe it's my turn soooo.... why didn't the poison that Zen gave you effect you?" He said curiously. He obviously noticed my confused face.
"You know... the guy with white hair and lab coat. The one that kidnapped you?" He said. Sudden realization struck me. But now hold up on that sugar and spice, I haven't been able to tell anyone what I've been through for obvious reasons (I didn't have anyone to share them with) so I was a little bit skeptical.
"Ah. Oh..... well.... uh... You see... I.. I... I puked them up!" I said sweating.
"Your lying."
"How do you know..?" I said challenging him.
"It's one of the up sides of my powers." He said with a smirk on his face.
Well dang, this just got a whole lot more complicated.

I've been thinking about the next chapter being in Monsuta's POV (The Fox Guardian) so I hope I can do that. And the word Miho is a post to mean "Beautiful flower" but I'm now not so sure about it now. And I know this is a fast moving story but I don't have much patients so it'll be like that for a while, and I decided to finally add some humor in it this time so hope you have a good day! 
                                    - Java

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