28 ; gone

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[ my edit ^ ]
Everything at the Music Festival went alright afterwards. Me and Luke were just enjoying our times, but eventually, the Music Festival ended and we had to go home, of course. I went home safely, and after that, Luke went to his home too. Obviously.

I opened the front door using my key, and put my bag at the side table. I inhaled, "I'm home!" I shouted so loudly that pretty much the whole neighborhood heard it.

As soon as I shouted that, I heard a loud sound which I assumed to be a can. I saw a figure sat up on the sofa.

"(Y/N)! Never do that again!" Dad exclaimed. I assumed that he was sleeping, but is awoken because I shouted.

I chuckled. "Hello to you too Dad." I replied. "Where's Connor?" I asked.

He clutched his head. "In his room." Dad replied.

"Want some painkillers?" I asked him.

"Please." Dad replied.

I walked over to the bathroom and got the painkillers from the first aid cabinet in our bathroom. I got out of the bathroom and handed it to dad. The table was full of beer cans. Typical dad. Always drinking.

"I'll go check on Connor." I said and walked over to his room, which is a few steps away from the kitchen. Connor's room was the guest room, incase you're wondering.

I knocked on his door. "Come in!" Connor shouted.

I went in his room. Guess what? He's doing the coin calibration trick again. Yet, I haven't seen him done that for a long time.

"Ah, Ma Chérie! You're back!" Connor exclaimed.

There was an accent on his voice and it sounded really weird on him. I laughed, "Connor! Knock it off!" I joked.

"How did the Music Festival go?" Connor asked.

"It was alright. I also saw my favorite singer! It was amazing overall." I said. "But there's a creepy dude that tried to hit on me." I continued.

"That's great that you enjoyed, (y/n)." Connor replied. "Well, not the creepy guy part though." Connor continued.

"How about the investigation?" I asked. "Did you find new evidences?"

"Not really. Just five more of their weapons." Connor replied. Connor sighed, "Do you think we're able to catch this killer?" He asked.

"Of course! Don't loose hope Connor, I'm pretty sure this killer will be caught soon." I replied. "Speaking of Misery, earlier this day, I received a creepy message, saying that they'll come for me. Do you think this is Misery?" I asked.

"There's a 60% possibility that it's Misery." Connor replied. "Let me see that message, maybe I'll be able to track it's phone model and the location." Connor stated.

I handed him the phone, with the message opened in it. His arm turned white and so did the phone. After a few seconds, his LED turned red, and he suddenly threw the phone away from his grip, as it landed on the floor.

I got the phone from the floor. "Why did you do that?" I asked. I checked my phone if there's any cracks in it but there isn't.

"I don't know, I was suddenly seeing errors." Connor replied. "Maybe this android hacked your phone or something." Connor suggested.

"Hack???? So it's like virus or something??? Should I throw the phone away???" I panicked.

"It might be the best option. The android can track you anytime if they had hacked it." Connor replied.

I sighed. "But we have lots of pictures here!" I stated.

Connor chuckled, "It's alright, we'll take new pictures together!" Connor said.


; connor's pov

Smoke started going out from somewhere. It made the room foggy, as I heard the window of my room broke. I couldn't see anything but the smoke. I felt something hold through my abdome-




I collapsed to the ground, trying to catch my breath. I crawled to the ground, trying to look for my biocomponent.


I continued to crawl on the floor. There it is! Under the bed.


I crawled over to the bed and reached for my biocomponent.


I got the biocomponent and plugged it into my abdomen. It made me regain my strength. I stood up.

The whole room didn't have smoke anymore, but where's (y/n)???? She's nowhere to be found. The window was broken and there was a hint of blue blood on the glass shard. I brushed my finger on it and licked it. It didn't identify the model.


I looked out the window, there were no traces of (y/n). "(Y/n)!" I shouted outside the window. No replies. I gasped, Lieutenant!

I rushed outside the room, Lieutenant was on the sofa. Not moving. "Lieutenant?" I calmly said. I walked around the sofa. "Lieutenant!" I shouted.

Lieutenant was stabbed. On his arm luckily, I exhaled in relief. "Help me out here!" Lieutenant exclaimed, panting.

"On it." I said and quickly got the bandages from the first aid cabinet in the bathroom.

I went back to lieutenant and removed the knife from his arm, which made him shout in pain, then I cleaned his wound, and wrapped the bandage around his arm.

Lieutenant sat up, still panting. "Where's (y/n)?" Lieutenant asked.


"God dammit Connor! Where's (y/n)?!" Lieutenant shook my shoulder.

"She's missing, someone threw a smoke bomb in the room, and pulled out my biocomponent. Next thing I knew, (y/n) wasn't there anymore."  I replied, "We need to find (y/n)! If we don't find her any sooner, she might get killed!" I stated with a serious tone.

"It was Misery, I saw them when I got stabbed." Lieutenant replied, and stood up from the sofa to go to his room. "Pack up son, we're gonna catch Misery."

NU: 11 but i'll try to finish it as soon as possible !!!

blue ; detroit: become human - connor x readerWhere stories live. Discover now