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Monty's P.O.V

I closed my bedroom door.

What the fuck was that?

I leaned against it and locked it.

How? No, what? When did... I sighed. I wanted to scream. This is all so confusing me. I can't. I just can't cope with this. I don't want to process this.

I stayed against my door, breathing. How am I going to face him tomorrow? Can I just do what I usually do and ignore him or confront him?

I shuddered. No. I don't want to confront him.

I unlocked the door for Cody to come in later through the wee hours of the morning as I climbed in to bed and turned the lamp off.

I heard a knock on my door and I groaned as I covered my face with a pillow.

"Monty?" Came Oliver's voice. "I just got a phone call. I have to go. I'll be back in a couple days."

I didn't answer. I didn't want to.


"I heard you." I snapped out as I rolled over.

Did Oliver really think of me like that or was is it just because I was in his room, calling him out on his personality? That it was dark with a faint glow and getting late at night?

Maybe because he is a male and sometimes males think with their smaller heads more? I groaned in to my pillow.

I don't know. I didn't want to know. All I knew was, Oliver stole what he could. That kiss, my sleep.


Oliver has been gone for five days now. He rings every night to talk to Cody but whenever Cody gives me back the phone I quickly mutter a bye and hang up.

We had been stuck in the house for four days and today I dragged Cody along to go shopping.

We needed groceries but I went through his clothes and with the weather warming up, I decided some clothing shopping wouldn't hurt either.

But that only burnt up four hours. I'm fast and decisive when shopping, no matter what it's for.

So I decided to take Cody to a park we haven't been to before. After googling some I found one and after a bit of a drive we were there. I held Cody's hand as we walked the long winding footpath of the river bank after we were on the swings.

Some people were there picnicking, others were fishing. Some walking their dogs.

I let Cody go ahead as he threw some pebbles in to the water. "Don't get wet." I called to him.

The place was fairly busy, parents with kids, some with dogs.

I slowly caught up to Cody, standing a couple metres behind him.


I turned to the voice and froze. Oh great. Oh fuuuudge.

Percy was here. Can I not get away from him? "Hi." Came my brittle smile and voice.

"Monty. How are you?" He asked me nicely.

"Fine." Okay, am I doing one word answers now? Real smart.

"Look, about the other week, at the restaurant, I want to apologise for my behaviour." Percy was straight out with it, and I suddenly appreciated that.

I looked stunned. "Okay."

"I shouldn't have said that. I was hurt when I saw you with someone else."

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