Chapter 3

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"I don't know, we'll see" I said
"No! You are going" she claimed "you never go out, you never drink, you just sit at home and study. I mean come on Eli get a life"
"Okay, okay, I'll go" i said
We kept on walking and suddenly she started to jump up and down.
"What are you doing?" I laughed
"Before we go to the party, I have to do a makeover on you" it looked like she was about to explode of excitement.
"Oh come on"
"Ugh, okay"


Next day

Friday's are the shortest day on our schedule. We only had Math, English, Biology and gym.


"Come on everybody! 4 mins left, go go go" our gym teacher said loudly.

"So I heard you are coming to the party tonight" Payton breathed heavily.
"Yeah, I have no choice" I answered
"You always have a choice" he said and smiled.
Now I was first in line.
"Okay one minute left"
"Go go go" Payton said and gave me a clap on my back.
I ran out on the field. I directly got the ball. Soccer isn't my thing so I passed it to one of the sport nerds on my team.
"Oh come on fattie, you can do better than that, why do we have her on our team" he claimed, his name was Eric.
Eric: the worlds biggest sport nerd. All he ever talks about is soccer, how rich his parents are and then back to soccer. He always complains on others because "he is best at everything". Everyone dislike him, even his closest friends.
"Come on man, stop it" another said
I have learned not to care about what everyone else say but that really hurt me. I could feel tears slowly running down my face. I couldn't stand being there anymore so I left, I ran. I ran all the way to the girls locker room. I went to the bathroom and I stared at myself in the mirror. Maybe he's right, maybe I am fat.
*knock knock*
"Are you okay" I heard Joline say
I unlocked the door and hugged her, still in tears.
"Maybe that party isn't such a bad idea" i said
"I know, you're gonna have the best time ever" she smiled "come on now, get dressed"
"What did I do to deserve you in my life" I smiled back and hugged her again.

Hope you like it so far❤️

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