Chapter 34

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"Jo-joey" I couldn't believe my eyes. He was there, he was okay "why haven't you answered any of my texts or calls know"

"I've been busy" he said shortly

"Busy huh? So busy you couldn't contact or answer me at any point for over 3 weeks" I felt the anger growing, as did my jealousy

No reaction, he looked at me as if he had no idea what i just said.

"Fine, I can't do this! You're treating me like shit, you dumped me for no reason and when I want an explanation you won't give me one. You ignore me. I'm so done with you" I looked at him, his eyes were blank, showing the tears he was trying to hold back and for the first time I didn't feel sorry

"You were so not worth my time" I whispered as I walked past him. Mom didn't stand very far from there

"Trouble in paradise?" She asked

"I don't wanna talk about it" it came out more aggressively than I intended to


"Can I go and wait in the car"

"Sure honey"
The first thing I did when I got in the car was to block Joey everywhere, number and on all social media.

At 7.45pm, 5 days later - Christmas eve

I sat in front of the tv with some guests. We watched a Christmas movie called "Let it snow". It was a lot of cute couples who ended up together, and all I could think about was Joey. I told my parents that I would go for a walk. It was a windy day and it got darker by the hour. The snow swirled around everywhere and it was a bit slippery. I felt like the only place I wanted to be right then was with Payton, I could use a friend, or whatever we were.

*knock knock*

Faith opened.

"Heeeey, come in"
I took of my jacket and proceeded into the house.

"What's up" she looked a bit worried

"Payton's home right" I said ignoring her question

"Yeah, he's upstairs"

"K, thanks" I started to walk up the stairs

"Hey, we never thanked you properly for saving his life" she said. I turned around and smiled


The door to Payton's room was ajar. I knocked carefully and walked inside.

"Hellu" he said


"So what's up"

"Me and Joey broke up remember"

"Wait what? He ended it?"
We sat down on his bed

"Yeah and I tried to talk to him but he have apparently been 'busy' "

"And you let him, without giving you any explanation"

"I mean yeah, there's not really much I can do about it. He did after all think that I cheated on him with his friend, witch i did so..."

"I know but you love that guy, right!?"

"He...I...I know, I just....I don't know" Payton was right, I do love Joey, and my life felt so empty and worthless without him. "Oh my gosh I'm so stupid"

"No you're not. Well maybe a little, but you know, I would probably make the same mistake"

"Wait, I'm confused. I thought-"

Not my type {Joey Birlem & Payton Moormeier}Where stories live. Discover now