Chapter 11

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Payton and I walked into school hand in hand.
"Why is everyone starring at us" I whispered
"They're not starring at us, they are starring at you" he said
"What?! Why"
"Because of what happened at the party"
"Oh my..."
"Hi Elisabeth" I heard a girl say
"Hope you're feeling better" another girl said
"I'm okay, I guess"
"What he did was not okay, he deserves to be hated" a guy said.
I just gave him a awkward smile.
We walked towards Joey and Joline.
I looked at the and smiled. They didn't smile back, they just starred.

Two weeks later:

This have happened: Joey and Joline broke up, but they still hang out. They are "just friends"(lol) Eli went to the hospital to meet her father and the doctors said he can come home soon.
Joey hadn't been in school for about a week, we were all very worried. He didn't answer when we called him and no response on text messages.

Me and Payton walked hand in hand to our next class with Joline a few meters in front of us.
"Is it just me, or have she been very distant lately" I whispered
"It's not just you, but it might be because of the break up. Don't you think"
"Yeah, maybe. But I mean we're best friends and she haven't said a word in like two days"

2 hours later:
"Are you coming?" Payton asked
"No, I'll pass. I'm not hungry"
"For real? You haven't been 'hungry' in like two weeks now"
"I'm just not hungry today okay?"
"No, you're coming with us" he took my arm and dragged me with him.
"Ugh no" I said and he stopped. But he didn't stop because I told him to.
"There's Joey" he said and pointed
"Oh my god, he look like a mess"
He was dressed in something that looked like a pyjamas. It looked like he hadn't been brushing his hair for a month and his eyes were bloodshot red.
I just wanted to run over to him and hug him forever. I felt so bad for him, even though i didn't even know what have happened to him..
"I'm going to talk to him" I said and walked over to him.
Joeys perspective:
I had been home in what felt like forever but I just couldn't get Eli out of my head. I needed to see her.
I looked around and suddenly I saw her walking over to me. She looked so good. Like a model. I couldn't help smiling. She smiled back as she was walking the last few meters that was left between us.
"Hey" I whispered
She hugged me.
"You don't need to tell me but where have you been this hole time? We have been so worried"
"Oh, just at home" I couldn't stop smiling, until I saw Payton coming towards us. My smile fainted.
"Uh, nothing" I said
"Hey there bud" Payton said and wrapped his arm around Elisabeth's waist. Wow, they look like a real couple, they are like designed for each other. Literally.
"Hey" I answered.
I can't deny it, I could see the glimt in her eyes. She looked so happy. And it destroyed me.
I realized that minute what a jerk I had been. I always need someone around me. Someone to hold and love. And now I have no one, and it felt like everything had been taken from me. I felt extremely lonely.
I tried to smile but I couldn't stop the tears from falling. Wow. Joey Birlem, the most popular guy in town break down in tears at school. What a man.
I just felt like I were going to ruin their relationship if I stayed.
"What is it?" I could see how worried Eli was, and I thought, just for a second maybe I shouldn't do it, but then again. She's with Payton.
I didn't answer I just ran away. Away from everyone, all the starring people, directly home.
I couldn't help it but when I felt the blades toward my skin, the red massive liquid running out my wrists, I felt that relive. That wonderful relive. I felt like I could do anything, be anything. I felt powerful. Just for a minute, until everything turned into a black darkness. Suddenly everything was gone.

I'm so sorry for not updating:( please vote for this if you haven't already, it would mean a lot❤️

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