Chapter 30

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It felt like we had been sitting there for days when one of the doctors finally came around.
We we're all sitting down in the waiting room. The chairs were bright blue and pretty comfortable. Me, Joey, Payton's mom and sister, we all stood up unsteadily after 3 hours of crying every 5mins.

"The surgery went just fine" the doctor said and I could feel how it got easier to breathe "but we'd like to keep him here for a couple of days, just in case"

"Thank you so much" Joanne said and shaked the doctors hand

"And who was it that brought him here"

"" I said and smiled a painful smile

"Well, first of all: thank you for having patience and for helping us with the wound and stuff. But just out of curiosity, how did you know and why didn't you tell us, we could have done the surgery right away"

"Know what?! What didn't you tell them" Joey asked and looked confused from me to the doctor and back

"Well, I asked to feel around Payton's wound just to make sure nothing was harmed, but I also felt something very hard and odd that wasn't supposed to be there" I said

"What was it" Joey asked

"A blade, I guess it was the blade of the knife he got stabbed with"

"And you were right" the doctor said and smiled "I'm very impressed"

"Thank you, I've always wanted to be a doctor or a nurse, my grandpa is one and I really want to follow his footsteps"

"Good job!"

"When will we be able to see him" Faith said

"Now if you'd like, but he'll need a few hours to recover"

A week later: (at Joeys house)

"Babe, I'm gonna leave now. And I made you peanut butter jelly sandwiches" I blinked and kissed him

"okay" he whispered "I love you"


Not my type {Joey Birlem & Payton Moormeier}Where stories live. Discover now