Chapter 28

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I ran to Payton's house, a few blocks away. I knocked on the door and 3 seconds later it stood wide open.
There he stood.
You could tell he was upset. His eyes were blood shot red and he had rivers of salty water running down his cheeks towards his pink hoodie where they all met in an ocean. And as Joline said, he had bruises, a black eye and a broken nose.

"ELI" he screamed and hugged me
I pulled away, disgusted by his reaction. How could he do this to me?!
I saw how he tried to hide how broken he looked.

"May I come in" I said trying to hide the fact that I actually somewhere deep down thought it wasn't him and trying not to start crying.

"Yeah sure"

Quietly we walked upstairs to his room.

"Why did you do that" I said when we finally sat down.


"You know" I said and looked away

"Do you even know what happened"

"Of course! Joline told me" I said and looked angrily at him with tears in my eyes.

"Oh, that's right! Cause Joline of all people is the one you believe, when you haven't even heard all sides of the story! And may I ask, how long has it been since you even talked to each other" he stood up and almost screamed at me

"Sorry, I shouldn't have screamed at you" he said and whipped away a couple of tears "after everything we've been through....why would you think I did it"

"Joline saw you"

"Yeah, cause I called her! If I hadn't done that you would have known who it was, you would know the true story! But I couldn't take care of you! I was in too much pain and you know what?! I still am"

"Oh come on! A broken nose and some bruises doesn't make you unable to take care of me!"

"Yeah right, you don't even know everything! You always trust the person who tells you the story first! I should have thought about that"

"So tell me your side of the story then!"

"Fine" he said calmly and sat down again "I was on my way to your house to just talk to you and hang out. And then I saw a man with a black hoodie carrying someone, so I thought I gotta follow him. And I did. He walked for a while and then he threw you into the ground behind Mc Donald's. And that's when i realized it was you. I got closer and saw how he tried to rip your clothes of, he was so violent so I saw you got a couple of bruises. He also put a knife towards your cheek and started cutting, he did that on you're stomach and legs too I think. And the scary part was that you didn't move, you were barely breathing. So I stepped in before he the thing on you, and he just turned around and started hitting me, and all of a sudden I felt something sharp go right into my stomach, and I realized that, we'll, he had stabbed me with his knife. Then I heard something click, I'm not sure what that was but after that he ran away. I managed to call Joline and I thought when she's here I can leave and she can take care of you, but instead she kept on going like that boy did. The punching stuff not the stabbing" he laughed a little

"Omg" I said terrified and moved closer to Payton "do you mind if I take a look"

"Please, no. I don't want you to see"

"I can help you, you helped me"

He gave me a 'please don't judge me' kind of look and then pulled up his shirt.

"Lay down" I said and started ruching around the wound.

"Outch, what are you doin'"

"I'm just looking so he didn't stab any of your organs" I said and concentrated harder "well he didn't stab your lungs, that's for sure, not need to see a doctor"

Idk what this is tbh, i have no inspo and i don't know what to write so u gotta deal w it:)

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