Chapter 17

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"Mom" Joey said when he opened the door "there's someone I'd like you to meet"

Jen came downstairs.

"Elisabeth!!" she said and hugged me tight.

"Hey Jen" I laughed.

"Wait....have you guys met before" he looked confused.

"Yeah several times at the hospital" Jen said

"You came visiting me?" Joey asked me

"Yeah, almost every day" I said and he smiled.

He made sandwiches and we went upstairs.

"We don't really know each other that we'll so tell me something about yourself" he said and took a bite of his sandwich.

"Hmm... my favorite color is baby blue" I said

"Not good enough" he smiled

"I suck at sport"

"Still not good enough, take something more private"


"Cause then we'll get to know each other, like, better better. If you know what I mean"

I shaked my head.

"I will get to know you better if I for example know something about your past than what your favorite color is, do you get it? It's more personal you know" he said

"Okay...?" I gave him a strange look "what do you want to know"

"Hmmm...." he looked around in the room while he was thinking. His eyes stoped at my plate

"I wanna know why you haven't eaten my extremely tasty sandwich" he said and laughed.

Joey's perspective:
"I wanna know why you haven't eaten my extremely tasty sandwich" I said and laughed, but Eli wasn't.

She just sat there quite, she didn't even look at me.

"What happened, did I say something that offended you" I asked

"No, it's fine. Excuse me I need to use the bathroom" she said and walked out.

I sat the hole time she was at the bathroom and wondered what I said wrong.
She came back in after about 10 mins and you could see that she had been crying.

"What did I do wrong" I asked.
She sat down.

"You said you wanted to know something private so I'm gonna tell you the truth" she took a deep breath "I have this thing that I don't eat. People would call it anorexia but I do eat. Sometimes. And I am trying to fix it, I know I need to eat and bla bla but it's like something inside me tells me not to" she cried.

"I-I don't know what to say? How long have this been going on" I asked

"Uhm... a couple of weeks" she looked down

"How did it even start"

"Almost the same time this stopped"
She said and pulled up her sleeves. You could clearly see the scars, they were so many.

"What the...." i said and I could see that she looked away.

"I'm sorry" she whispered

"For what?"

"You're probably thinking that I'm sick in the head now"

"No, no, not at all" pulled her into a hug "why would you say that"

"cause I am" we pulled away. She had tears streaming down her face.

"No, you're not, trust me"

Tried to write with some space in the dialogues and it looks pretty good so I'm gonna start writing like this :)

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