5. Broken Promise

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"And you dumbasses seriously broke the connection before you could find out more? This is about your own sister, Star-Munch!" Rocket groans angrily at Peter Quill as the Guardians travel through the galaxy to reach the destination that Aurora sent them. The location seems odd to Gamora, there are no inhabited planets close to it and it's like in the middle of nowhere.

"I wasn't the one who cut off the line, okay?! I'm as worried about her as you, so stop blaming me!" Peter snaps furiously and throws his hands in the air, pacing around. He's utterly frustrated that he couldn't get more information from Aurora and has been anxious the whole time, scared that something could have happened to her. Aurora has never asked him for help in such an urgent tone, it worries him a lot. Just as it terrifies Rocket, which is why he's snapping.

"Okay, hey, arguing won't help, alright? We need to focus now for Aurora's sake. She's out there and needs our help, not our yelling." Gamora talks some sense into these two and they both calm down, knowing that she's right.

"This is bad." Mantis pipes up and stares at the screen. "The location Aurora sent is the same as where the distress call is coming from."

"What?!" Peter almost shouts, his voice rising. Panic laces his voice and his first priority is his sister. Peter Quill already lost his mother and Yondu, Aurora shouldn't be on the list as well. "We've gotta hurry then, immediately!"

"Peter, you have to try to calm down, okay?" Gamora speaks softly to her boyfriend and holds his hand with a gravely glance. Just with the help of her voice and her gentle touch, Peter manages to slow down his breath and nods. "Pull yourself together for her."

"Okay." His voice lowers and he goes back to the pilot seat, sitting above Drax. Fortunately, they are close to the destination, so they'll receive answers soon. "Sorry for yelling, Rocket."

"Was about time that you apologize." The raccoon mutters with a huff and Gamora shoots him a stern glare.

"Rocket." She admonishes and he lets out a sigh, despising all this emotional shit. It's not in his program, so he obviously doesn't know how to deal with it. Aurora knows that and has always understood him, never pushing him too far.

"I'm just concerned too, y'know." Rocket confesses mumbling, barely understandable for the others but Peter knows what his words meant.

"I do." Peter Quill responds quietly and he finally settles down on the pilot seat, mentally preparing himself for Aurora's state. Will she be captured? Injured? Or worse, even dead? Of what kind of attack was she talking about? He only knows that he will do anything to save her. What leaves him puzzled though is that there's no mention of Loki, which is unusually odd. It's not like Peter has ever liked the God of Mischief, Quill doesn't understand how his sister could choose him as her betrothed one, but he knows how deeply in love they are. Even after all this shit Loki pulled.

"We're arriving." Mantis announces softly and Peter starts to concentrate.

"Alright, Guardians. Don't forget that this might be dangerous, so let's put on our mean faces." While the others silently listen to his command, Groot's noisy Gameboy is still audible and Peter turns around, sighing. "Groot, put that thing away. Now. It's about your aunt, I don't wanna tell you again." No surrender or answer, only resistance and Peter's voice grows more serious. "Groot."

"I am Groot." The tree mimics in a disrespectful tone and everyone stares at him in disbelief.



"You got some acorns on you, kid." Peter comments sternly and now Rocket glances at his son.

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