9. Medicine

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"That's a made up word!" Drax exclaims in disbelief while Aurora frowns. There's no way that Nidavellir actually exists, she has been traveling a lot since her young age and Yondu told her about the mysterious planet that creates the most insane weapons in the whole world. They had never found it, not even with the best explorers and that's why Aurora eventually stopped believing in this fairytale.

"All words are made up." Thor argues simply and prepares Peter's backpack with all the necessary belongings for the upcoming journey.

"Nidavellir is real? Seriously?" Rocket jumps on the table and speaks with an incredible enthusiasm that Aurora has rarely heard from her friend. Of course, Nidavellir would fascinate him. "I mean, that place is a legend! They make the most powerful, horrific weapons to ever torment the Universe. I would very much like to go there, please. Come on, Rora, imagine all the things we could build there!"

The sparkling in Rocket's eyes is almost catching and Aurora has to admit that the idea of going there only breeds advantages. She would welcome any kind of distraction right now and the thought of creating something epic on a really legendary planet slightly excites her, especially if it helps to avenge Loki. The engineer inside her already starts to think of all the possibilities that Nidavellir has to offer. Thor seems to be amused by Rocket's reaction.

"The rabbit is correct and clearly the smartest among you." He notes and Rocket just repeats the name Thor has given him with astonishment and confusion. "Only Eitri, the Dwarf King, can make me the weapon I need. I assume you're the captain, sir?"

"You're very perceptive." Rocket remarks in a high tone and it surprises everyone how nice the Raccoon is towards the God of Thunder.

"You seem like a noble leader. Will you join me on my quest to Nidavellir?"

"Lemme just ask the captain." He pretends to pause in realization to make a dramatic and clear announcement. "Wait a second, it's me! Yeah, I'll go."

"Wonderful." Thor smirks contently and the two head back to the pods to start their journey. Peter raises his finger in confusion to stop them as the leader of the team but he entirely fails.

"Except for that I'm the captain."

"Quiet." Rocket simply shuts him down and ignores Quill's weak authority. Aurora goes to grab her belt bag and green leather jacket, filling the pockets with her new gadgets.

Peter adds, "And that's my backpack."

"Quill, sit down." The Raccoon commands and Thor turns around, glancing at the auburn-haired Half-Celestial.

"Aurora, are you coming?" The Asgardian asks in a hopeful tone, although he knows that he can always rely on her.

"Wait, what?! No, no, no, let's slow down for a moment!" Peter yells and steps up between Thor and Aurora, protectively shielding his little sister. After the trauma she's gone through, he doesn't even want to leave her for a second. The thought alone that Thanos was so close to her frightens him and the distress call has really woke him up. "You're not taking my sister anywhere, especially not to some damn unknown place nobody has ever heard of. She stays here with us, period."

Usually, Rocket would have made some snarky comment about Peter's lack of knowledge now but even he knows when he is supposed to remain quiet. Throughout the years, Peter has grown very protective of his sister due to the loss of his mother and Yondu. And nobody can really blame him since they treat Aurora like family as well, so his worries are justified.

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