37. Goodbye

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Eve opens her eyes and she's suddenly in a peaceful and calm place, the fight is over. The clear sky above her and the water she's walking on mirror a soothing blue, it is silent here. Looking at her right hand, she sees that the Stones are gone and she doesn't feel anything anymore. No pain, no time, no war. Her glance darts to the sole lake dock in front of her, it's the dock from the Avengers compound. And there, she sees Natasha.

"What's going on? First, Bruce visits me, and now you." Nat chuckles lightheartedly and leans against the wooden pillar. Her smile fades. "Though I have the bad feeling that your visit is going to be permanent."

"Nat..." Eve mumbles with tears in her eyes and walks with fast steps towards her, pulling her into a tight embrace.

"We won, I assume?" Natasha guesses faintly when they pull back from each other.

"Yeah, we won." She confirms and both are aware of the costs of their victory. Though they're okay with it, if it means that the people they love are well and safe.

"And I hoped that at least one of us would get to live their life." A sad smile graces Natasha's lips. "Can you tell Clint that I'm fine? I don't want him to waste his life. I want him and Anya to be happy."

"I will." Eve nods and turns to leave, feeling how she slowly vanishes and is pulled out of the Soul World.

"Hey, Eve?" Nat calls her and she turns around. The redhead smiles lightly. "See you in a minute."

Eve's eyes snap open and the sudden pang of pain overwhelms her senses. As her right arm is entirely burnt black, the injuries even reaching a part of her face and collarbone, she loses her balance and falls. Before Eve's body can hit the ground though, Tony quickly catches her and guides them gently down. Trying to heal her with his tech, it doesn't work a bit and he lets out a desperate groan. It's too late. He supports her head with his arm and glares at her furiously.

"I was supposed to do this, not you, this was my job! You were never the one to make the sacrifice, you were the one who fought, so sacrifices wouldn't have to be made." Tears are collected in Tony's eyes and they threaten to fall. It's the first time that Eve sees him crying. "Why did you do that, you idiot? Why?!"

The pain increases so much that Eve doesn't feel it anymore, even though she's already lost the feeling of her right arm as soon as she opened her eyes. Panting heavily, Eve doesn't have the strength anymore to form any sentences and she gazes at him sadly. He's mad. Of course, he's mad.

"Morgan..." Eve mouthes quietly without a sound, but Tony understands it anyway and he's staring at her with widened eyes. The first and only tear falls from his face, his expression darkens.

Steve looks around, witnessing how Thanos' army and the Mad Titan turn to dust. The universe is safe again and the war is over, they won. As the soldier's gaze lands on Eve and Tony, the shock hits him in the guts when he realizes at what costs they won. With steady steps, Steve walks over to them and kneels down, dropping Mjölnir and his broken shield.

"Eve..." He mutters, still in shock. They've been inseparable on both, schoolyard and battlefield, and he doesn't think there's a person who's stuck with him longer than she has. Steve was such a fool for wasting these five years without her, his best friend, his sister, his family.

They woke up together in this new world, but they won't leave together.

Tears stream silently down his face now and he takes her hand, pressing it gently. It feels awfully cold. His entire body is shaking as he's suppressing his sobs, his heart being ripped apart. "What about newspaper and stolen apples?"

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