Chapter 3

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You were so nervous, upset and confused. Why James? Did the truck not see a big bus that said "BIG TIME RUSH" on it? You were waiting for the guys to get back home, but it was going to be a few hours. You crawl back into bed and you cry yourself to sleep.

A few hours later
Logan calls you saying that they are home and that James is on his way to the hospital. You were really tired, but you wanted to see the guys and James. You put on one of James's t-shirts, a pair of sweat pants and you grabbed one of his sweaters. You grab your car keys and you drive to the hospital, you arrive and you see Logan.
You: Logan. 
You and Logan hug, but you don't hug Logan too tight cause of his injuries.
You: thank god you're alright.
Logan: y/n, I'm so sorry.
You: for what?
Logan: for telling you what happened to James.
You: no Logan, thank you. If you didn't tell me,I would be so upset, but you are a good friend. Can I see him?
Logan: *smiles* yeah! he's in room 206.
You walk to room 206 and you see James laying there, monitors everywhere. You walk up beside his bed, you grab a chair and you sit next to him.
You: hi James. It's me y/n. I know you can't hear me but, I love you so much and I don't want to loose you. *starts to tear up* you are the most important person to me and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to have a family with you.

James is in his out of body experience. He's a spirit, no one can hear him or see him.

James: y/n, look up, I'm ok. Y/n?

You were holding James' hand and crying.

James: y/n! Just look up! I'm alright! Just look up baby, look up and you'll see me.

James' POV:
Shit, y/n can't see me or hear me! Damn it! I wish that the stupid truck didn't hit us! The guys and I would be ok and I wouldn't be watching y/n suffer anymore pain then she already has. I need to wake up, marry y/n and start a family with her, I'm not loosing her and she's not gonna loose me! I'm going to wake up, even if it kills me.

You: James, I love you so much. *kisses James on the lips* please wake up.

James: y/n, I know you can't see me or hear me, but I will wake up for you! Ok and when I wake up we can get married, start a family and be together! I promise!
Logan: y/n?
Kendall: you ok?
You burst out crying, Kendall and Logan hug you, then Carlos sees them hugging you and hugs you as well. The guys let you go.
You: I think I'll stay here for a little while.
Carlos: there's a hotel near here, just stay there.
You: thanks Los.
Logan: what about your house?
You : you guys can stay there. I'm staying here until James wakes up.
Kendall: well you need a suitcase first.
You: thanks Kendall. 

You, Logan, Kendall and Carlos head back to your place, you grab a suitcase, you grab some of your clothes and James's clothes. You then grab a picture of you two. You smile at it and Kendall comes in.
Kendall: y/n?
You: oh hey Kendall.
Kendall: you know y/n, if you ever want to talk, you can all us or me if you want too.
You: *smiles* thanks Kendall. Your a great friend.
You and Kendall smile you finish packing, you head back to the hotel near the hospital, the guys stay at your place. You arrive to the hotel, you check in and you get a key to your room. Your room had two beds, a tv, a kitchen, closet, bathroom etc. you place your bags down on the bed. You go close the curtains, you then turn out all the lights and you fall asleep on the clear bed, you had James's hoodie on and it smelled like him. 

James: y/n, I'm here. Open your eyes.
You: James?
James: you can see me and hear me?
You: well I'm sleeping, so I'm dreaming about you. 
James: y/n, listen to me, I'm having an out if body experience.
You: a what?
James: you remember on supernatural when, Dean, Sam and their dad get hit a possessed truck driver?
You: yeah.
James: and Dean is in a coma and he's in a spirit form?
You: yeah.
James: that's what I'm having. No one can see me or hear me, but I'm watching over my body and you.
You: I miss you.
James: I miss you too.
You then try to hug James, you then feel his strong arms wrapping around you.
James: I'm going to wake up, we are going to get married and start a family.
You: promise me something first.
James: for you.
You: when you wake up and you have amnesia, please don't forget me.
James: I won't. I promise.
You and James share a passionate kiss, you both pull away.
You: I have to go.
James: I will see you tonight, I promise. *smiles* I love you y/n.
You: I love you too James. 

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