Chapter 27 (Last Part!!)

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James had his lips on your lips. You didn't fight it, you wanted to kiss him when you saw him. You then lay down on your couch and James was on top of you. He then began kissing your neck, you then put your fingers in his hair. He then stops kissing your neck, and you both look at each other. You then sit up.

James: Sorry it's just that I find you really attractive and when my brother and my friend and I came to your inn and I saw you, I just wanted to kiss you so badly and I just wanted to...

You: You wanted to do what?

James: I wanted to make love to you right when I saw you. I know I sound creepy, but I've never felt this way before.

You: Well James listen to me, ok first off you did sound creepy but at least you were honest with me and I've never felt this way either.

James: You never felt like this before with Logan?

You nod your head no.

You: No. When we went out, I never felt happy. Like we didn't have the right chemistry like I have with you. Shouldn't you check on your brother and your friend?

James: They'll be fine without me. Besides I'm always with them and *puts his arm around you* I rather hang out with you. *smiles*

You smile at James and you both begin talking about the murders going on in your hometown.

You: Look, the demon always comes every 10 to 15 years, but why would the demon come now?

James: I don't know. 

You: Could it be a shapeshifter?

James: Could be or not. 

You: what else could it be then?

James: A Wendigo.

You: A wendigo?

James: Yeah. It was a legend according to the native americans, where The creature or spirit could either possess characteristics of a human or a monster that had physically transformed from a person. It is particularly associated with cannibalism. 

You: How do you know that?

James: My brother and I dealt with one before. They also hate the light, they come during the night. When did the murders occur?

You look at the newspaper and you read it.

You: The murders happened during the night. It says that the victims were kidnapped during the night.

James: Looks like, we'll have to go find this son of a bitch tonight.

You: You want me to come?

James: Yea. 

You, James, Kendall and Carlos go on out to catch the wendigo. You got in the front seat of James' car. You were nervous because you didn't want to do anything to get it messy.

James: You look nervous y/n.

You: I just don't want to do anything to hurt your baby.

Carlos: Did she say "your baby?"

Kendall: I think she did.

You: I don't want to want to hurt the car. I mean this is a classic.

James: She's got a good eye for cars. Especially classic cars.

Kendall and Carlo roll their eyes.

You guys arrive to where the kidnappings have been happening, then you heard twigs snapping, then something grabbing you. It happened all so fast. You then scream.

James: Y/N!


You open your eyes, you see that you were hanging upside down and there were dead bodies hanging upside down. You then try to get down but you couldn't. You wanted someone to help you, you wanted James or someone. Then the wendigo came in front of you, then it smiled at you and then you see its latest victim. James!

You: James! Wake up!

James opens his eyes and sees you.

James: Y/n, are you ok?

You: Yeah. I'm fine but what about you? Where's Kendall and Carlos?

Kendall: here.

The wendigo then sees Kendall and Carlos. Kendall then shoots a flare gun at the wendigo killing it. Carlos and Kendall then help you guys and they get the dead victim. 

You guys arrive to the inn. The guys were packing up, you go to their room and you go to James' room. You lean against the door frame.

You: So you're leaving?

James: Yeah. It's what I do. Whenever there's a bunch of murders and its a demon then my brother, Carlos and I kill it. We leave town.

You: Well  I'm going to miss you and your car.

James puts his bag down and then he pulls you into his room. He closes the door and locks its and he turns around and faces you.

You: James?

James then presses his lips on your lips again, then you took off his jacket and then you were both starting to un dress, then you two were on the bed kissing and then you both made love. 


You wake up and you see James sleeping beside you, then you see Logan, Carlos and Kendall asleep. You look at the clock and it said 4:15 am. You then look at James and you smile. You then feel the babies moving. You grab James' hand and you put it on your stomach and James feels the babies moving as well.  He wakes up and he sees you awake as well.

James: How was your sleep?

You: It was good.

James: What did you dream about?

You: We were in Supernatural. 

James: Who was I?

You: You were Dean. Kendall was Sam, Carlos was Castiel and Logan was my ex and I was the girl who fell for Dean aka you.

James smiles.

James: What else happened in your dream?

You: Well we kissed, then we made love.

James: You're a naughty girl. *gets on top of you*

You: Won't they see what we're doing?

James: if we pretend to moan, then they will leave.

You and James pretend that your both moaning like if you were making love, Kendall, Carlos and Logan leave. then you both do make love.


You gave birth to a baby boy and girl.

You named your son Dean and your daughter Aria.

Dean had James' eye colour, his hair colour, your nose and your smile. Aria had your eye colour, your hair colour, James' nose and James' smile.

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