Chapter 25 (second last part)

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You and James were then looking at the take out menus, you both decide on Pizza. James then orders the pizza, the pizza arrives and you pay for it, even though James kept on saying he was going to pay for it. You then pay for the pizza and you smirk at James.

James: I said I was going to pay for it. 

You: It's fine James. Really.

You sat the pizza on the counter and you open the lid. James then hugs you from behind and he kisses your cheek. Then someone knocks on the door. James goes to open it and he sees Kendall, Carlos and Logan.

James: What do you guys want? We're out of your house.

Logan: Look dude, we came to apologize.



You come out of the kitchen and you walk up to James and you hold James' hand.

You: What do you guys want?

Carlos: We came to apologize. We want to be able to see the baby.

You and James look at each other.

James: Tell em.

Kendall: Tell us what?

You: James and I are having twins.

Logan, Kendall and Carlos look at you guys with big eyes and their mouths hanging wide open.

Carlos: You're having twins?

James: Yep. We found out, the night we left your house. Y/n, was dizzy and the doctor told us that she was pregnant with twins.

Kendall: Congrats.

Logan: I can teach them how to be cool and how to have swag.

James: You think you guys are going to see them?

Carlos, Kendall and Logan look at you guys with sad eyes.

Carlos: We apologized.

James: Whatever.

Logan: Dude, why are you being a prick?

James: Let me think, oh that's right *points to Logan* You called my wife a whore. *points to Carlos* You basically kicked us out. And *points to Kendall* you didn't do anything. So you're safe.

You then walk back to the kitchen, then you felt dizzy and you pass out. Carlos saw that you passed out.

Carlos: Y/N!!

James turns and sees you on the ground, he runs over to you and he picks you up. He lays you on the couch. Logan, Kendall and Carlos come in the house. They get you some water, a cool face cloth to put on your head. James got a pillow and he put it under your head and he was holding your hand. 

 James feels your head and it was warm. He takes your temperature and it was 111.7. James then picks you up and he puts you in the car.

Logan: Dude, where are you going?

James: I'm taking y/n to the hospital!

Kendall, Carlos and Logan get in their car and they follow James to the hospital.

To be continued...

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