Chapter 26 (third last part)

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You were in the hospital, laying in the bed. James was beside you holding your hand. You open your eyes and you see James, Kendall, Logan and Carlos.

You: James?

James: y/n, you should be resting.

You: what the hell happened? Where the hell are we?

James: you had a fever of 111.7 and passed out. We're at the hospital.

You sit up, but then you got dizzy very quickly. James got you some water, you take a sip and the doctor comes into your room.

Doctor: so ms. Maslow, you just had a little flu bug.

You: but I didn't feel sick. Are the babies going to be ok?

Doctor: yes. They will be ok.

You: this won't effect them will it?

Doctor: if you just take some medicine, rest and drink plenty of fluids you will be good as new. Now let me take your temperature.

The doctor check your temperature and it was normal.

You: can I go home now?

Doctor: we're going to run some more on tests on you to see how you got a temperature of 111.7, if you're ok with that?

You grab James' hand and you hold it tight.

You: can my husband stay?

Doctor: of course, we can move that bed for him and he can stay in here with you.

James and you smile at the doctor, James helps the doctor move the bed beside you, then James lays beside you.

Logan: we're gonna stay too.

You: why?

Kendall: cause we're your friends.

James: last time we checked, friends don't kick other friends out, or kiss them or propose to them while they are in a relationship.

Logan: oh would you let it go?

Carlos and Kendall are about to sing the chorus from let it go from frozen.

Logan: would you both please stop singing that god damn fucking song? 

Carlos: sorry, it's just a good movie.

You turn to James and you move closer to him. James wraps his arm around you.

Kendall, Logan and Carlos then start arguing about frozen. Then you heard Carry On Wayward Son by Kansas. You then turn up the radio and you start singing to it and started playing air guitar to it. The guys look at you, James sits up and he smiles at you. You never sung especially in front of James. You kept on singing and thinking what your life would be like if you, James, Logan, Carlos and Kendall were all in Supernatural. 

You kept imagining James as Dean, Kendall would be Sam, Carlos would be Castiel, Logan would be your ex boyfriend and hates James and you would be a girl who helps James and Kendall and you fall for James and you join them on hunting demons.


the guys were asleep, you were asleep in James' arms, then you had your dream of you and the guys being in Supernatural.


(Characters in your dream:

James as Dean Winchester

Kendall as Sam Winchester

Carlos as Castiel the angel

Logan as your ex boyfriend 

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