Chapter 4

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You woke up from your nap, you then started to think about it.


Did I see James? Was he telling the truth? Is he really in a out of body experience? Will he wake up from his coma? Will he loose his memory or will he remember the accident?

You had so much thoughts going through your head. You decide to go see James in the hospital. You walk over to the hospital and you walk to James' room. He was still the same, laying there, helpless, covered in cuts and bruises. The machines beeping. You walk up to his bed and you sit in the chair beside his bed.

You: Hey James, I need to know that you're ok. I had a dream and you told me that you were in a out of body experience. I hugged you and felt you. I also heard your voice. 

James: Y/n, I am ok. As long as your with me I'm ok. I will wake up, we will get married, have a family! I'm not going anywhere and no matter what... I... I... I... *shouts really loud* I LOVE YOU!

You hear James's voice echo from him saying "I Love you." You look around to see James, nothing. 

James: Y/n, I will wake up. Your love for me is helping me. I know that you've been through a lot of pain and then me being in this stupid coma! Y/n, no matter what, don't give up hope, remember love and hope can help no matter what, just keep having hope. I will wake up. I promise and I'm not going to loose the girl I love. 

You were sitting by James' bed side, you were holding his hand, then Carlo came in.

Carlos: Oh hey, y/n.

You: Hey Carlos.

Carlos: You Ok?

You: Can I tell you something Carlos?

Carlos: Yeah, of course.

You: I had a dream, I saw James and he told me he was in a out of body experience. 

Carlos: What else did he say?

You: He said, that he is going to wake up and that we're going to get married and start a family.

Carlos: Well when James sets his mind to something, there's no way you or anyone could change it.

You: *laughs* I hope he wakes up soon. 

Carlos: Me too.

You then kiss James's cheek, and you let Carlos visit his friend. You then walk back to the hotel where you were staying at. You go lay on the bed and you then turn on the tv and watch a movie.

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