Chapter 17

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Logan arrived to the flower shop and bought a bouquet, he then drives off to the graveyard. He parks his car and walks to his parents' graves.

Logan: Hey mom, Hey dad. I guess you've been seeing what's going on huh? Well y/n, is marrying James and they are expecting a baby.Carlos and Alexa are fine, Kendall is fine and Presley is ok i guess, I don't know we don't talk anymore. She is kinda of mad at me when I fought her boyfriend. I've been trying to talk to her, but she doesn't respond to my texts or calls. 

You then arrive to the grave yard and you see Logan.

You: Logan?

Logan turns around and sees you holding a rose.

Logan: Y/n? What are you doing here?

You: My grandma's grave is here, I thought I would come say hi. What are you doing here?

Logan: My parents' graves are here, I usually come here and I tell them what's been going on.

You: Logan, I'm sorry, what happened to your parents?

Logan: They died... in a accident.

You: How?

Logan: They were killed by a drunk driver.

You hug Logan tight and he hugs you back.

You: Logan, i'm sorry, you could've of told me, then I've could of helped you. I don't understand what you and your sister went through. I can't imagine what it's like without your parents.

Logan: It's fine. Presley doesn't talk to me anymore.

You: Why not?

Logan: I fought her boyfriend and then her boyfriend broke up with her.

You: Why did you beat him up?

Logan: he was trying to force himself on my sister and I saw it happening and my brotherly instincts kicked in and something just came over me and i kept on hitting that bastard.

You and Logan then go sit on a bench and you both keep talking.

You: Logan?

Logan: What?

You: Why are you always so mad?

Logan: It's nothing.

You: Logan Henderson! You tell me what's wrong with you right now!

Logan: No, I'm fine.

You: No your not Logan, tell me whats wrong!

Logan then slaps you, you then hold your cheek and you run away from Logan, before he could apologize to you.

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