Chapter 21

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You were laying on the floor holding your cheek, you look at James. His eyes were full of anger and sadness. He puts his hand down and he walks away. You stand up, you look at the door, then you limo quickly to the door and you leave the house. You then run, but your ankle was in pain, you then see Kendall, Logan, Carlos and Alexa pulling into the driveway. You go into the bushes and you hide. They go inside the house.

Alexa: hey guys we're home.
James: *is pissed off* hi
Logan: what's with you crabby pants?
James: you're not going to believe this,but that girl said she was y/n and she didn't die.
Kendall: she looked a lot like y/n though.
Carlos: where is she anyway?
James: in her room I guess. I don't know, we sorta had an argument and I slapped her...
The guys: YOU WHAT?!

You heard them arguing, you then stand up and you run away from the house. You were then walking in the cold rain, you were hungry, tired and in pain.

Thought: I need to wake up from this fucking nightmare now! I hope this is a nightmare and not real life.

You then hear see Logan's car, with Logan driving, Kendall in the passenger side, Carlos and Alexa in the back, you run into a alley and you bump into some really perverted creepy guy.

Creepy guy: *smirks* well, well, well what do we have here?
You: don't you dare think about it creep!
The guy then pushes you against a building and he begins touching you inappropriately.
Creepy guy: you like that?
The creepy guy covers your mouth then he starts to unzip your pants, you begin crying and you bite his hand, you run away and you zip your pants up.
Creepy guy: COME BACK HERE!
You: oh fuck.
Carlos: we're never gonna find her.
Alexa: we will.
Kendall: woah, this person is a fast runner.
You run by Logan,Kendall,Carlos and Alexa. The creepy guy was chasing after you, you then fall into some trash cans and the creepy guy gets on top of you.
Creepy guy: now where were we?
You: Get the fuck off of me now!
Creepy guy: come on baby, you won't feel a thing.
You: I SAID GET TH FUCK OFF ME! *kicks the creepy guy in the groin*
The creepy guy falls holding his groin, you stand up and you look at him.
Creepy guy: I'll make you sleep with me.
You: go fuck yourself asshole. *gives him the finger and walks away*
You then see Carlos, Alexa, Logan and Kendall.
You: whatever.
You: My deal?
Logan: Yeah, your deal. The fuck is it?
You: look I'm in not the mood Logan. First I'm having this fucking nightmare where I fucking died and I didn't. Second, James slapped me and he's never hit me before and lastly I WAS NEARLY RAPED BY A FUCKING PERVERTED CREEPY GUY! So leave me alone!
You then walk away, you then hear someone calling your name.

You wake up and you see James standing in front of you.
James: you were talking in your sleeping.
You: *blushes* I was?
James: I heard what you said, well screamed.
You: yeah, I just had a bad nightmare.
James sits beside you and he puts his arm around you.
James: what about?
You: I died, you started drinking and I was almost raped. James?
James: yeah?
You: would you ever hit me?
James: what?
You: like if you were mad at me and I wouldn't leave you alone. Would you hit me?
James: oh god no! I would never be that person who beats his soon to be wife. Why?
You: cause in my nightmare, you slapped me.
James hugs you tight.
James: I would never ever hit you y/n. I'm not that type of person.
You: I love you.
James: I love you more.
You and James kiss each other and then you felt something in your belly.
James: what is it?
You: the baby, moved.
You out James' hand on your belly and he feels the baby moving. (Your three months pregnant)
You: when should we have the wedding?
James: let's elope.

To be continued...

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