Chapter 8

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The next day

James: Guys I'm so sorry.

Kendall: It's not your fault James.

James: It is. If that stupid truck didn't the our bus, then I wouldn't have this stupid amnesia!

Carlos: Dude, it's not your fault ok. No one can predict when an accident will happen.

James: Yeah I know. It's just so damn hard though.

You: James, your memory will come back. It will just take some time though. You've been through a lot.

James looks at you and his old memories start talking inside your head.

James' old memories: See? She is your girlfriend. You were planning on proposing to her after the tour.

James: I was?

Kendall: James who are you talking to?

James: No one. *laughs*

You then help Kendall and Carlos, James looks at you and sees a picture of you two hugging. He walks up to the picture and gets a flashback.


You: Come on James!

James: *laughs* Alright, I'm coming!

You and James then hug each other and Carlos takes the picture.

James: I love you y/n.

You: I love you too James.

You both lean in and you both kiss.


James then falls to the ground holding his head.

You then run and see James on the floor holding his head.

You: James, are you ok?

James looks at you and remembers the memories you two had together.

James: Y/n?

You: Yeah James?

James: I was wondering if maybe... we could go on a date?

You smile at James, but you died a little on the inside because James still didn't remember you.

You: I'd love to. *smiles*

James smiles at you and you help him off the ground.

You: Are you ok though James?

James: Yeah, I'm fine now. *leans closer to you*

You start blushing like crazy.

You: You are?

James: I'm fine now, that we're together.

Kendall: Y/N!

James: Well sort of.

You laugh at James, you then go back to help Kendall, then James grabs your arm.

You: What is it James?

James pulls you into a hug and hugs you tight.

Kendall comes out and sees you and James hugging, then Carlos saw you guys hugging. 

Carlos: *whispers* Let's leave them alone for a little while.

Kendall: gotcha.

Kendall and Carlos go upstairs without disturbing yours and James' hug.

You then pull away from James. Then he pulls you back into another hug.

James: Let's just stay like this Y/n.

You: James?

James: Yeah?

You: Do you remember me or no?

James: I'm slowly starting to remember you, but i like you a lot.

You: James, before your accident, you bought me a promise ring.

James: Let me see it.

You show James your promise ring and then he gets another flash back.


James: oh hey, y/n I want to give you something.

You: what is it James?

James pulls out a little black box and opens it and you see a ring

You: Oh my god James.

James: It's not an engagement ring, its a promise ring.

You: You got me a promise ring?

James: *smiles* Yeah, so when i come back, I promise to marry you.

You then begin to cry and you hug James tight, he hugs you tight as well. James then puts the ring on your ring finger. The ring had a heart with a diamond in it. 


James: I bought you this?

You: Yeah, you did.

You then felt James pressing his lips against your lips, and you both share a passionate kiss.

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