Chapter 12

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You were putting some polysporin on James' cuts. You felt bad for what happened to him.

You: James I'm sorry.

James: For what? You didn't do anything wrong. It was Logan who crossed the line.

You: He kissed me before as well.

James: When? When did that bastard kiss you?!

You: He kissed me when you were in the hospital and  when you lost your pulse, I ran outside Logan ran after me and he kissed me.

James: Y/n?

You: Yeah?

James: I think we should call off our engagement.

You: Why?

James: I need time to think. I'm sorry. *gets off the bed and packs his bag*

You: No James, don't leave! *tears up*

James: *is packing clothes and some of his stuff* I'm sorry y/n. I need some time. *kisses your cheek and heads downstairs*

You run after James begging him to stay and not leave. He grabs his car keys and he leaves. You then break down into tears. You were all alone, Kendall and Carlos were at Logan's place.

You then go watch a episode of Supernatural and all you did was cry, you turn off your tv, you then go turn off all the lights in your house and you lock all the doors and you fall to the ground crying.


Why? James left me, called off our engagement. He probably can't even look at me because his ''best friend'' kissed me. How could Logan be so selfish?! He practically made James and I break up. I wonder where James is going. 

You then get a phone call from James.


James: Y/n?

You: yeah? James I'm so sorry. I didn't want any of this to happen! You know I love you and only you! I know I have to earn your trust again, so thats why you left and I understand.

James: y/n, I will always love you, but you should be with Logan. I was in his way. I'm sorry y/n, I take back my proposal!

You drop the phone and you fall to your knees.

James: *is tearing up* I'm sorry y/n. goodbye. *hangs up*

You then throw your phone at the wall and you scream really loud.

Then you hear thunder and rain pouring. You open your curtain and you see that a thunderstorm arrived. You turn on the tv and watch the weather network.

TV: There is a thunderstorm and earthquake alert in motion. 

Then your tv went out. Then you felt the ground shaking then something hit your head hard and everything went black.


Someone help me please. HELP! James! Someone help please! SOMEONE HELP ME!! JAMES!! James... help... me... James... 

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