Chapter 23

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You and James arrive to the house, you pack all your stuff up. You guys were loading up the car when Carlos, Kendall and Logan arrived. 

You: We're getting out of your guys way. 

Carlos: We're sorry y/n.

You: Yeah right. You guys always follow James and I. We just want to have some time for ourselves since we're married and not to mention we're expecting a baby! *sighs and begins to feel dizzy* 

Carlos: y/n, are you ok?

You: I'm fine. I just shouldn't be stressing over this. It's not good for the baby.

James comes out and he packs the last box in the car.

James: Come on y/n, we're outta here.

You and James go to the car, you sit in the passenger side, James was driving and he was pissed off. You were feeling dizzy again.

You: James?

James: *is pissed* yeah?

You: take me to the hospital please.

James: why?

You: I'm feeling really dizzy and I just need to see the doctor please.

James: ok.

James takes you to the hospital, the doctor examines you and the doctor discovers something. The doctor comes out with a yellow envelope.

The doctor: Mr and Mrs. Maslow, congratulations.

James: for what?

The doctor: you're pregnancy.

You: we already knew that I was pregnant.

The doctor: well were you guys think you were going to have one baby?

You&James: yes.

The doctor: well congratulations your having twins! Now y/n, eat normally, drink plenty of fluids and rest. If you feel dizzy anymore, just ask your husband to bring you here, ok?

You: ok.

You and James walk back to the car,it was silent. 

You: James?

James: yeah?

You: are you ok?

James: yea.why?

You: you're just being quiet and I thought you were mad at me.

You and James arrive to James' place. You guys brought in the boxes, then James picked you up bridal style and carried you to his room. He lays you on the bed and he gets on top of you.

James: I'm so happy to have you in my life.

You: I'm glad that we are going to spend the rest of our lives together. *smiles* 

James then kisses you, then he pulls away and he puts on a pair of sweat pants and was shirtless. You put on one of James' t-shirts and you had Spider-Man shorts on.

You: what should we name the babies?

James: well if it's a boy and girl, the boy would be James Jr. And the girl would be Lillian.

You: James jr?

James: well what you name them?

You: if we had two boys, it would be Dean and Sam. If it was two girls, they would be Aria and Sun.

James: how about for the boy and girl it's Dean and Aria? 

You: I love that. *kisses James' cheek* 

You and James watched netflix and you both put on SuperNatural, you both then fall asleep. 

The next day.

James' pov: I woke up and saw y/n sleeping so peacefully, I could tell she was still in shock since we're having twins, I'll admit I'm even in shock still. We are excited for the babies to come. I'm so excited to be a dad!

You then wake up and you and James were trying to find the room for the babies. You find a old spare room that needed some renovations. 

James: how about one half is boy stuff and other half is girl stuff. 

You: so a blue wall for the boy and pink wall for the girl?

James: yeah. *smiles*

You: that sounds perfect.

James: or we could paint it one colour and put animal things on the wall?

You: well, first we need to fix this room up first before we start deciding what colour we paint it.

Your phone then goes off and you call James, he runs into your room and you show him the text.


Los: Y/n, Jams we r so sorry! We want 2 b able 2 c the baby when he/she is born!! WE'RE SORRY!!! 

James: don't answer him.

You: I'm still mad at what Logan said.

James: that wasn't called for. 

Your phone went off again and it was Kendall who texted you.


Kendall: y/n, Logan, Carlos and I r sorry for ruining yours and James' wedding. We usually go there and watch other couples get married. We want to be able to see you guys and the baby!!

You: babe?

James: yea?

You: Kendall texted me.

James: what did he say?

You: just come read the text.

James comes and he reads the text from Kendall.

You: no answer?

James: yep.

You: hey babe, I'm just going to go get some water, you want some?

James: I'm good thanks though!

You: no problem!

You walk downstairs, you get a glass of water, you hear someone knocking on your door and you see Alexa.

You: Alexa, please come in.

Alexa: nice place. Why did you and James leave?

You: oh we decided to move out and not be a burden. 

Alexa: that's ridiculous, you guys aren't a burden. Tell me why you guys really left please?

You: ok I'll tell you.

You tell Alexa that you and James eloped and that you two are expecting twins, she hugs you tight.

You: don't tell Carlos,Logan or Kendall please.

Alexa: why not?

You: James and I are in a fight with them.

Alexa: oh I see.

You: Alexa?

Alexa: yea?

You: will you be a godmother to one of my kids? You and my best friend (your best friend's) are going to be god parents.

Alexa: I would love to!

You and Alexa hug, James comes down and he sees you guys hugging. Alexa leaves, you tell James that Alexa knows why you guys left and that she promised not to tell the guys. 

THOUGHT: I hate the fighting. James and I will apologize to Kendall, Carlos and Logan. I just don't know of James will apologize to them though. *sighs*

To be continued... 

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