Chapter 13

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Previously on The Accident

You turn on the tv and watch the weather network.

TV: There is a thunderstorm and earthquake alert in motion. 

Then your tv went out. Then you felt the ground shaking, then something hit your head hard and everything went black.


Someone help me please. HELP! James! Someone help please! SOMEONE HELP ME!! JAMES!! James... help... me... James... 


Kendall: Guys, I can't get a hold of y/n.

Carlos: well I was just talking to James and he sounded upset.

Kendall: what happened?

Carlos: He took back his proposal from y/n and he left.

Logan: what do you mean he left?

Carlos: He left y/n. He sounded like he was crying.

Then the guys hear someone at the door and Kendall opens it to see James.

Kendall: James?

Logan: What are you doing here?

James: You can have y/n.


Kendall, James and Logan run into the living room and see the tv.

TV: There is a missing person's report on Y/n (your last name). She was last scene at her home and was not seen from since.

*The Tv shows the house wreckage*

James: Oh my god! Y/N! *runs to his car and drives to your place*

James arrive to your place and starts moving some of the wreckage to get you out. Kendall, Carlos and Logan arrive and they start helping him. Logan kept looking at James and knew that you and James belonged together.

Logan: James?

James: What?

Logan: I think you and y/n, should get married. I'll get over her and i promise to stop kissing her.

James doesn't say anything, he just keeps on moving wreckage to find you. He then calls some construction works to help move the heavier stuff out of the way and they do. James then sees you laying on the ground in a puddle of blood. James jumps down and picks you bridal style and he yells for someone to take you to the hospital. 

He takes you the ambulance and he goes in with you. You open your eyes and you see James.

You: James?

James: Thank god you're ok! *kisses your forehead*

You: what happened?

Paramedic: There was a thunderstorm and earthquake and your house collapsed.

You: James?

James: Yeah?

You: Are we still broken up?

James: No, after what happened, I'm never leaving you again! 

You and James go to the hospital, you lost a lot of blood, the doctors give you a blood transfusion so you can get more blood in your body, then they discover your pregnant. You call James into your room.

You: James?

James: Yeah?

You: How would you feel if you became a dad?

James: I would be so thrilled. why?

You: Because you are going to be a dad.

James looks at you with shocked eyes.

James: Y/n, are you...

You: James, we're going to be a mom and dad. *smiles*

James hugs you and then he puts his hand on your belly, then Kendall, Carlos and Logan see him with his hand on your belly.

Carlos: Are we going to be uncles?

You: Yep! 

Kendall: AWESOME!

Logan: I can teach my little niece or nephew how to be cool and how to have swag.

Carlos: I can teach them spanish!

Kendall: I can teach them how to sing and play instruments!

You: Well wait for the baby to be born first. *laughs*

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